Growing in my bedroom window just from sunlight in a plant pot and need help

Im Kieron

Hey guys my friend gave me a (special) seed, and i didnt think it would work and it did lol, so i started taking pictures of it growing, i just put it in soil and put a plastic chocolate eclaires case over it lol.
So one day i looked and it had a bit of roots, so i moved it to a plant pot and put a coke bottle with the bottom cut off over it in in my bedroom window, and its just grown on and on from there lol.
So yeah umm ill put up the pictures i took of it along its way and what its like now, and im just wondering if people can tell me some stuff about it, ive never given it any fertilizer or anything, just the soil from a big bag of soil from b and q, water and sunlight from my bedroom window

Im basially wondering what i need to do with it lol, if its big enough to make it bud or if its even a guy or girl or something, i dont know what the difference is i think only the girls make buds? thanks anyone :smile:

Post on my wall please cos i only just made this account today and dont know what to do :L


Well-Known Member
if its in a coke bottle im geussing its in a see though bottle that not good for the roots to get sun light so u mite wana do somethin about that n make sure it gets bulk sunlight n put some picks up


Well-Known Member
My guess is no, lol, no offense of course. I'd love for you to put up those pics you said you would and prove me wrong however.......