Growing in soil; What methods of cloning can I use?


Active Member
Hi, Im in the process of taking clones of my plants to determin what sex they are.
Most cloning vids n such I find is for grows not in soil. The one cloning vid I found had some sort of pre pressed soil cones. Also heard that just using water is a good thing.
Any soil growers that clones regularly that can help me thru the process? Tried getting ahold of such soilcones, but gave up after seeing what they cost. I'm on a minimal budget :P


Well-Known Member
peat pellets + rooting hormone + distilled/RO water = done :D

moisten peat pellets in a cup, poke a hole about 1.5" down into it
take cutting, place in a cup of water, cut at a 60degree angle, lightly scrape bottom 1" of stem, dip in rooting hormone, stick in peat pellet, push peat pellet around cutting to make good contact
place under humidity dome under florescent lighting, mist with distilled/RO water a couple times/day, keep temps between 75F-80F
After a couple days of misting, drop in some veg nutrients(just a little) and mist with that instead for folar feeding.
watch for roots, once the roots are coming through plant in a small container with a seedling mix + perlite, water as needed when dry.

Thats pretty much the easiest way to clone using soil :)


Just the stem with an exacto on a 45 degree angle you want the root hormone to get into the stem so it stimulates roots. I have even cut small lines on the stem to give the hormone a place to take hold.

Cut stem.
Dip in hormones
Place in a peat pellet
Keep moist
Cloning is easy


New Member
i always use water big tub w a piece of styrofoam bunch of holes in it straws in the holes air pump but it takes bout two weeks