Growing in the Midwest


I have been all over the forums looking for a thread on growing in my area. I live in central Indiana but much of the Midwest contains similar ecosystems and weather conditions.

I thought I would start this thread in order to gather information on outdoor growing in the Midwest. The question I am looking to get answered include:

1.What is a good strain to grow in the area?

2.Dependant on which strain is used, what kind of time cycle is best (e.g. Germinating, Veg, Flowering)?

3. Also dependent on the strain, what kind of yield can be expected from a well cared for plant?


Well-Known Member
I'm in the midwest and grow veggies outdoor. We have a long enough growing season that most any strain is good for outdoors. Central Indiana should be good for flowering to nearly November in most years, so that gives you amny weeks for growing. Personally I'd go with a mostly indica of some kind.

with as many weeks as you have before flowering begins, you can put anything out up to June or later and be good to go.

Harvest numbers are individual to the plant and the skill of the grower who grows it. Any number anyone gives you will be a stone guess and not worth consideration. Just grow whatever you plant well and it will yield for you.

Good luck. It's dangerous in Indiana for pot growers.


I hear that many of the Skunk strains work well my area. I have been reading a lot about Indiana growing ops getting busted. But I plan on using this for a personal stash nothing more than a few plants.


The good thing is that they only use copters in the heavily rural areas. Hopefully my small crop will be able to go under the radar.


Well-Known Member
If you have seen helicopters in your area than you better put one in this thicket, then one in that thicket, etc. Never have more than two in the same spot. If they use FLIR it will pick up on patches but your single plants will fly under the radar.


Id say Im fine in my area. There are never copters because it is to close to the city. That is good cuz i wont have to worry about copters but bad because I am in a more heavily populated area, so I guess its a trade off. However the copters are actively looking for growing ops but random people aren't necessarily going to be directly looking for bud so hopefully I'm alright.