Growing Indoor First Time, Bud Stems turning Brown/smelling bad?


Active Member
Grew 4 blueberry muffins indoor. They did great and all hairs are good, looks good to harvest.

Inspected them and the centers of the buds are browning stems and starting to smell of ammonia I mean im not even drying them yet... I neglected to water them a bit in the last week but they were looking and doing fine until today...

temps are 75-80f and humidity is never about 50-60... this is mold isnt it? why? Temps are humidity are good and plenty of airflow...

I just lost a whole like 8lbs of outdoor to the same thing (outdoor and indoor were kept apart) now my indoor? wtf am i doing wrong?!
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It's called 'bud rot' and once you see it you need to know that there's certainly more you can't see and once started can spread through everything very quickly. Do not fuck around. Having said that you may be lucky and there's just a bit that you can cut out, but you still need to keep a very close eye on it.

Best thing is to get the humidity down in the local area so that means immediately harvesting anything that is ready. Do plenty of defoliating and keep a close eye. You're not doing anything wrong, it happens. Some plants are more prone, those with thick meaty stems. Try and stay with more sativa type of thinner branched plants.

I'm growing indoors without any exhaust just a big fan, it's humid and hot here too but it works out fine. Got a little bit of bud rot on one grow (nycdiesel in my sig) so far but that was down to the structure as I mentioned above.
Grew 4 blueberry muffins indoor. They did great and all hairs are good, looks good to harvest.

Inspected them and the centers of the buds are browning stems and starting to smell of ammonia I mean im not even drying them yet... I neglected to water them a bit in the last week but they were looking and doing fine until today...

temps are 75-80f and humidity is never about 50-60... this is mold isnt it? why? Temps are humidity are good and plenty of airflow...

I just lost a whole like 8lbs of outdoor to the same thing (outdoor and indoor were kept apart) now my indoor? wtf am i doing wrong?!
touching plants outdoors, then walking indoors and touching stuff, it's pretty much nearly impossible to stop the spreading of the bet is to try to stop the spores from growing, with sprays and environ control.
touching plants outdoors, then walking indoors and touching stuff, it's pretty much nearly impossible to stop the spreading of the bet is to try to stop the spores from growing, with sprays and environ control.
And hand washing/ clothing changes between visits to each environment.
Grew 4 blueberry muffins indoor. They did great and all hairs are good, looks good to harvest.

Inspected them and the centers of the buds are browning stems and starting to smell of ammonia I mean im not even drying them yet... I neglected to water them a bit in the last week but they were looking and doing fine until today...

temps are 75-80f and humidity is never about 50-60... this is mold isnt it? why? Temps are humidity are good and plenty of airflow...

I just lost a whole like 8lbs of outdoor to the same thing (outdoor and indoor were kept apart) now my indoor? wtf am i doing wrong?!
If you had it outdoors you probably infected your indoor grow from that. Never go from your outdoor grow into your indoor without changing clothes and shoes. You'll just bring in spores and bugs. Also have a hepa intake filter