Growing Legally!

the beekeepers

Well-Known Member
About to embark on my second big grow, our first big grow had to be 14 years ago in Texas which was wildly successful (too bad I can’t find my grow journal pics!) but this one in Minnesota is legal! 4 plants per person which means we will be seeding 8 plants today. Excited to see how things go. This time I have an RO water filter which should help tremendously!
I did it illegally for 20 yrs. I'm sad it's legal now...

I had a grow back in the day...not long enough for anyone to come after me (past statute of limitations). I like this setup better, I'm not doing much different than I did before, but it's now in the house, so I don't have to worry about outside air with harsh temps coming into the room at the high and low ends of the year...