Growing medium question


New Member
Hello there :) I think I have all of my ducks in a line regarding starting my first stealth hydroponic grow. Due to physical limitations I bought a cabinet instead of building (which I know is ideal), and so it came with some supplies. One being CocoMon growing medium. I was looking for some A) feedback on this vs other methods (claystones, growstones, etc) and B) how to use the stuff.

I can find a video of start to finish for planting hydroponic seeds in every single material...except this one. I have no idea what to do with this stuff. Does anything else go in the net basket with it? The kit also came with another medium that resembles delicious brownies but none of the instructions provided mention this delicious brownie like substance. Do you use both? If so, how?



I did find one thread here where someone had used the medium: but there were just photos of happy plants, no details on how to get started. Looking to get rolling next week, so any and all help is appreciated. Thanks :)


Well-Known Member
Dammit, now I want brownies! I've seen that medium before but never actually seen anybody use it. You can do hydro in practically anything. I was just reading where some people even use sawdust as a growing medium!


Well-Known Member
Never used it either, but I would imagine you could just break off a square of the "brownies", put it in a greenhouse tray, pop your seed in and water just like rockwool. Once she shows some real leaves or you start seeing roots coming out the side, put it in your net pot and cover with hydroton.
At least thats what I would do...


New Member
So what do I do with this wooly part? Nothing? And what do you think of Growstones? I like the idea of recycled glass over clay pellets but don't know how well they actually do?

I guess I'm super nervous about screwing up ha. I just want to make sure I get everything as right as possible ;)


Well-Known Member
Interesting, I never seen that stuff before, maybe just ditch it and use something a little more conventional, at least then if you have problems, it will be easy for peeps here to give advice.