Growing method?


Active Member
i want to grow two plants, what would be the easyest way to grow, soil or hydro? i want to do little as possible? thanks


Well-Known Member
If your asking that question then soil without a doubt,going hydro right off the bat for a new grower will leave you very frustrated & spending lots of time figuring out whats wrong,soil you just check ph levels water & feed.

j Gu3r1n

Active Member
but what would be easie r inside soil or outside and if inside u have to be worried about getting caught


Well-Known Member
but what would be easie r inside soil or outside and if inside u have to be worried about getting caught
Caught by whom,a mother,a father,a sibling,the police ??.

The only way anybody is going to get caught growing 2 plants indoors is if they put a flashing neon sign on the front porch saying "Im Growing Weed Here" or to go to the local police dept & turn their self in out of guilty conscience.

Ofcourse mom could always spot the grow & flip out too :lol:

Unless you can visit your grow 3 times a week & spend a decent amount of time working on your garden then inside is much easier for a new grower.


Well-Known Member
soil is easier,its slower than hydro but i personally think the best ganja is soil grown,,,,,peace


New Member
Caught by whom,a mother,a father,a sibling,the police ??.

The only way anybody is going to get caught growing 2 plants indoors is if they put a flashing neon sign on the front porch saying "Im Growing Weed Here" or to go to the local police dept & turn their self in out of guilty conscience.

Ofcourse mom could always spot the grow & flip out too :lol:

Unless you can visit your grow 3 times a week & spend a decent amount of time working on your garden then inside is much easier for a new grower.
There actually was a guy in my county that did exactly that. He was an old guy, growing 15 plants for his own medical use, and he wanted the police to know about it. ~lol~ They discovered that he didn't have a recommendation letter from a doctor, so they busted him and confiscated his plants, lights, etc. When it came to court, the judge threw the case out and made the cops return everything. The plants were dead though.
