Growing MORE Females from Seed


Active Member
1. LOWER temps increase # of Females

HIGHER temps increase # of Males

2. HIGH humidity increase the # of Females

LOW humidity increase the # of Males

3. LOW growing medium moisture increases Males

4. MORE blue lights increase the # of Females

MORE red lights increase the # of Males

5. FEWER hours of daylight (14-16) increase # of Females

LONGER days (18+) increase # of Males

Hope This Helps Some :)


Well-Known Member
1. LOWER temps increase # of Females

HIGHER temps increase # of Males

2. HIGH humidity increase the # of Females

LOW humidity increase the # of Males

3. LOW growing medium moisture increases Males

4. MORE blue lights increase the # of Females

MORE red lights increase the # of Males

5. FEWER hours of daylight (14-16) increase # of Females

LONGER days (18+) increase # of Males

Hope This Helps Some :)
I don't know about all of that "Mumbo-Jumbo" :bigjoint:
Sex of the seed is determined the moment the egg is fertilized.
In Cannabis you can expect a 50:50 Ratio of Females/Males
If you want more female seeds, you'd have to use feminized methods to produce that.

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Well-Known Member
I don't know about all of that "Mumbo-Jumbo" :bigjoint:
Sex of the seed is determined the moment the egg is fertilized.
In Cannabis you can expect a 50:50 Ratio of Females/Males
If you want more female seeds, you'd have to use feminized methods to produce that.
Two schools of thought, some say environment can determine the gender, others say it's coded or pre-determined in the DNA of the seed
Dr. Jekyll

A previous grow of 6 plants, of which 4 were females, but if GKID69's mumbo-jumbo was true we would of had 6 males
1) our temps were stupid high, upper 80's everyday
2) we had very low humidity, about 10-15% RH
3) not sure about this one, ours was hydroponics
4) we used HPS from the start (red light)
5) ran 20/4 everyday
We don't buy into this theory of environment can dictate or even influence the gender
Mr. Hyde


Active Member
1. LOWER temps increase # of Females

HIGHER temps increase # of Males

2. HIGH humidity increase the # of Females

LOW humidity increase the # of Males

3. LOW growing medium moisture increases Males

4. MORE blue lights increase the # of Females

MORE red lights increase the # of Males

5. FEWER hours of daylight (14-16) increase # of Females

LONGER days (18+) increase # of Males

Hope This Helps Some :)
LMFAO yeah and im king of england

these are all myths you think for 1 second if any of these where true seedbanks would spend hundred of thousands making autos and femz? the DNA of the SEED tells the plant its sex not some mythical crap


Well-Known Member
Say that Mumbo Jumbo enough times one can expect to believe in it, at some stage ....? lol


Well-Known Member
Yea its true.
I have a~94% female ratio Consistently I put 16 in flower every month/ 4 every week...most times 4 come back. Environmental factors directly control sex and this is widely known..they do not have typical xy markers..the environment has a direct effect on hormones which determine the sex around the second week and 5th node or so... We cannot control the environment enough (yet) to have all females..but I'm quite proud of my ratios
Heat humidity then nutes are the most important factors,in that order My ratios will be cut to bout 80% just by having temps bout to germ effectively I keep temps about 80. Once they pop the surface Itake it down to high 60's low 70's for 2-3weeks. This marker has been observed by myself and others as when sexing takes hold in the plant and it will take on a lanky male appearance Irealize this sounds kinda superstitious like harvesting on full moon or some shit..but I promise this has been observed by many growers and even scientifically its been shown..again they donot have a typical sex determination system you are used to seeing. They are not predetermined from seed "Cannabis has been described as having one of the most complicated mechanisms of sex determination among the dioecious plants."

With that said I veg 24/0 and just throw into 12/12..I don't believe given everything else is on point, that lighting is a significant factor in sexing.. but I have noticed a higher female count with plants receiving less light, specifically the intensity of light/saturation and not necessarily the time received

"68] Soon thereafter, Schaffner ..published results from his own studies of sex reversal in hemp, concluding that an X:A system was in use and that furthermore sex was strongly influenced by environmental factors[66]" environmental sex determination is known to occur in a variety of species. [79] Many researchers have suggested that sex inCannabis is determined or strongly influenced by environmental factors. [66] Ainsworth reviews that treatment with auxin and ethylene have feminizing effects, and that treatment with cytokinins and gibberellins have masculinizing effects. [60] It has been reported that sex can be reversed in Cannabis using chemical treatment. [80] A PCR-based method for the detection of female-associated DNA polymorphisms by genotyping has been developed.

I've actually had this argument several times.....if you wish to believe that fine.......but hormonal responses effected by the environment largely effect sex


Well-Known Member
That's like saying if a couple has sex with the man on top they have a girl and man on bottom they have a girl. Using reasoning like yours, if they did it doggie style they would have puppies.


Active Member
Because we all know anything published has to be true, right?
rather listen to that then ppl running their mouths lol.

I dont only use this forum when im growing. I read all over, read books the internet and when i come upon something that may help ppl bc its helped others i would like to share.

But no u think since you've been growing and ur growing pattern works for u this must be wrong.

Not how shit works.

When ppl learn to accept other techniques & actually listen & be open minded to other things then ppl will finally start realizing

But like i said lol most ppl dont like change cant even accept the fact there could be another way of even growing weed. Thats absurd


Active Member
and btw i never said that ur gonna get females u just have a better change at achieving females and more of them if u follow the list. But hey lol i dont no squat ay? aha

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Well-Known Member
The other school of thought says you can often determine the gender of the seed by its shape (see attached chart).
Dr. Jekyll

Some very experienced grower on RIU have claimed ~97% rate of successful females by merely selecting the seeds that look feminine
Now if they applied your mumbo-jumbo to all the male looking seeds and the majority became females then your theory is rock solid, if not then it sucks winds
Mr. Hyde


Active Member
1. LOWER temps increase # of Females

HIGHER temps increase # of Males

2. HIGH humidity increase the # of Females

LOW humidity increase the # of Males

3. LOW growing medium moisture increases Males

4. MORE blue lights increase the # of Females

MORE red lights increase the # of Males

5. FEWER hours of daylight (14-16) increase # of Females

LONGER days (18+) increase # of Males

Hope This Helps Some :)
I had 5 seedlings started.
4 ended up being female.
Temps were 83-85 with a RH of 35-45% running 288 1w LEDs. 22 blue, 244 Red.

Hmm, looks like your theory is wrong bub.


Active Member
I had 5 seedlings started.
4 ended up being female.
Temps were 83-85 with a RH of 35-45% running 288 1w LEDs. 22 blue, 244 Red.

Hmm, looks like your theory is wrong bub.
as i said b4 if u can read, which u prolly cannot.. like most fucking ppl nowadays.. i stated this from a book i bought and like i said b4 as well id rather read a book thats been publised then read around a fourm and guess what will help or not help my plant. most ppl dont even know what they are talking about. its just funny how u think ur way is the only way or the "best" way when ur fukin wrong BUB


Well-Known Member
Increase your chance of getting female plants by buying feminised seeds!! lol :-P

Sorry couldn't resist that one!!

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
This is george van pattens information.....I'm pretty sure everyone here has read the marijuana grow bible. .