
Well-Known Member
So, not sure if you would call this 'old school' but I wish to grow weed without tents and fancy equipment... Basically as a house plant in my greenhouse that is part of my house, has walls and celing out of glass and a large number of other plants. Also has ventilation... Well a door I keep open thanks to the spring season.

Reading threads on this forum I am staring to ask myself how it will end?

I have two plants, fresh out of seed. A photoplant "maroc" and autoflowering "automatic hypnotic". I am not familiar with different types of plants so I chose these two as an experiment I guess. I do have experience in growing vegetables and flowers, I love gardening but this is my first time growing weed.

So my questions are:

1. First off, am I being unreasonable and plain stupid? The "tent set up" just looks like a mini concentration camp to me, I love plants, I don't want any plant to go through that.

2. Should they receive full sun or will do fine in bright natural light combined with artificial light at night?

3. How big the pot should be in cm or inches? (They are curently in peat moss tablets)

4. What soil should I use? I though of placing them in mix of regular flower soil, perlite and home made compost.

5. Should I spray them with water? Do they like humidity? BTW I use rainwater for all my plants.

6. What about temperature? I have radiator there but am curious which is the lowest vs highest temperature they will tolerate.

The important thing to note is I am not looking for quantity, I just want them to be happy, to flower... And eventually make me happy... I am no longer heavy smoker.

If anyone has grown weed like this or in a similar fashion, I would appreciate your input. Also, everyone else with constructive feedback and suggestions is more than welcome.

Growing in a green house will be great. The only things that could be a concern is temperature and light. Upper 20s-Upper 90s F is a good range and close to the limits for temps. Weed can survive both extremes, but it's really pushing it past that. Light may be an issue in winter, but should be fine in the summer. If it's not getting enough light though, it won't grow as good. Rain water is good stuff. Humidy is up to you. Some plants like wet air, some do great with dry air. As long as the roots are happy, I personally don't think humidity makes a big difference. If in a very dry area i say mist the leaves. If in a humid area, probably is unnecessary. Size of pot can affect size of plant, but it's up to you. For soil, people grow great weed using just about every kind of medium there is... research and experimentation.
Indoors is so locked in, it can allow the plant to grow in ways that is just not always possible to do naturally in some regions, but for just homegrown bud that'll get you high, outdoors or in a green house is more than fine. Look out for bugs!
Growing in a green house will be great. The only things that could be a concern is temperature and light. Upper 20s-Upper 90s F is a good range and close to the limits for temps. Weed can survive both extremes, but it's really pushing it past that. Light may be an issue in winter, but should be fine in the summer. If it's not getting enough light though, it won't grow as good. Rain water is good stuff. Humidy is up to you. Some plants like wet air, some do great with dry air. As long as the roots are happy, I personally don't think humidity makes a big difference. If in a very dry area i say mist the leaves. If in a humid area, probably is unnecessary. Size of pot can affect size of plant, but it's up to you. For soil, people grow great weed using just about every kind of medium there is... research and experimentation.
Indoors is so locked in, it can allow the plant to grow in ways that is just not always possible to do naturally in some regions, but for just homegrown bud that'll get you high, outdoors or in a green house is more than fine. Look out for bugs!

Thank you so much for the info! I think the biggest challenge will be light because I am trying to grow it "low key" due to neighbours... I am struggling a bit to give them enough direct sunlight. What kills me is that we have a really sunny terrace but neighbours can see everything we do there... LOL maybe stick some artificial flowers to mask it... :lol: Anyways will update on the progress and this little experiment I am conducting. :)
I wouldn't say it's unreasonable or stupid at all to view tents that way if you would prefer to grow in a greenhouse. The main purpose of a tent is to control the environment to give the plant the best conditions to grow in...not quite a concentration camp lol but if you have plant growing experience, and a greenhouse, you should definitely do it. I am sure you could figure out a way to situate your plants in there where a casual glance will lead to nothing.
I wouldn't say it's unreasonable or stupid at all to view tents that way if you would prefer to grow in a greenhouse. The main purpose of a tent is to control the environment to give the plant the best conditions to grow in...not quite a concentration camp lol but if you have plant growing experience, and a greenhouse, you should definitely do it. I am sure you could figure out a way to situate your plants in there where a casual glance will lead to nothing.

Yeah was harsh on the "concentration camp" over there. :) I understand fully why it is used and how it is easier to grow that way because you can control the environment. I just don't see a lot of threads related to growing in greenhouse or in home as a home plant so I thought it would be smart to ask. I actually love growing plants as my family is "big" on gardening. We have more than 250 different plants in our house. LOL I actually stopped counting them. But I am panicking over growing weed like a little child. I guess because I really really really wish to succed. And yeah, since Coronavirus it's been hard to find some good recreational stuff so I now wish to have my own and know what I am smoking/eating :)