Growing Orange Crush??Need Help Please


Active Member
I used to do guerilla growing but i settled on indoors.i got a kind of ghetto grow room,just finding shyt makin due right now for a closet grow room.I have two good seeds that been growing 4 2 weeks almost.I also have 3 good middies that I just planted.Im growing Purple Monster and I think Orange Crush.I know for sure the healthiest of the 2 is purple monster cuz da center of da leaves and stem are already purple.I thought they were both Orange Crush but i guess the Exotic seeds got mixed.I cannot find anything anywhere google,this blog.I really want specific information about the strains,...growth,flowering,sativa or indica,whatever indoor..outdoor starin..cuz this is my first indoor grow.I need help wit alot.I will post pictures asap.I got one the florescent bulb fixtures that holds 2 floro lights like 4 ft. long.I also have 3 CFL lights shining on everything...5 buckets.I Also have 1 60 watt grow light from wally world thats on the plants.Is this decent light...i have like a ten foot tall closet..2 feet long..5 feet wide.Please help me everybody..input is really appreciated.Please help on strains,lighting,growroom.i will post picture soon and keep updates of the grow.