Growing other plants + spider mites, couple questions...


Active Member
We have a little spare room in our grow area and my wife asked if she could grow some sage and catnip along with our herb, should I avoid this or would it be ok?

Also I'm about 5 weeks in from starting with seed and I had a small bout with some spider mites in one pot this morning. My area is super clean and the only thing I'm wondering about is, could it be from pets? I keep them out of there except when they follow me in, they LOVE the HPS in that room and will curl up under it every chance they get. Ban the pets? I'm thinking yes but I'd like to confirm.

Thanks all. =)


Some plants grow well with weed but I would try to avoid it as much as you could. Other plants may attract bugs and stuff like that so it isn't a good idea unless you know for a fact it can grow well with your weed plants. With sage and catnip I really don't know... And yeah I would also keep any pets or anything that could have bugs on them out of your grow room. You want it to be as sanitary as you can. Goodluck :)


Active Member
Cool thanks, I'm thinking maybe just let her use my little light and do the other plants in the kitchen away from the herb. Pets are banned! =)


Yeah that is prolly the best thing to do unless you really know it would grow well with the marijuana plants. Maybe google it if you really want to do it with them because some plants CAN grow with them but I really don't know any specifics on that or what kind of plants. But In my honest opinion it's best to just leave them alone so there isn't any probs xD. Anyway, happy growing and try to get rid of them spider mites bro. Goodluck!