Growing outdoor in pots???


Well-Known Member
Just wondering has anybody done it. Or is it even advisable??

Basically the reason for doing this is location. I found an old 30f dumper truck type thing thats been in the same spot for years. It seems pretty damm good. The sides are high enough to stop anybody seeing in plus you gotta climb about 10f up to get into it.

What size pots would you recommend for growing outsize??
I was considering 15litre ones. Any suggestions??

South Texas

Well-Known Member
2 ft. tall plants, or 15 ft' tall plants??? Could you dump 3 to 4 ft. of good soil in it, drop in 200 seeds, and spray mist the soil?


Well-Known Member
Please dont say things like that..,..Im drooling on my laptop. lol

Its my first outdoor and got a lash of seeds i got from bushweed in Mexico (im growing in Ireland). Probably going to put 10 in the truck
Ive got 2 other sites aswell.

25 litre pots are the biggest i can find for now.
[SIZE=+1]1 US gallon = 3.78541178 litres[/SIZE]

Lets say the plant grows to 5-6 foot. Would this do?


Well-Known Member
that should be fine how are you planning on watering?
Well i was planning on mother nature for watering. Ireland is far from being short of rain. Im just gonna put the pots on a tray with holes in it for drainage.

Will that do?. Ill probably see them once a week though, just to check on them:peace:

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Now, I want a Dumpster, drag it facing east & west for best sunlight. There is no Construction site in the world where workers don't overfill, such as.... dead limbs laying over the top, breaking up the sight of green shit inside, but allowing good light. What's the difference in somebody finding 10 in pots, or..... 200 ?. Purple plants help from seeing overhead. I grew in black pots. That was what stood out. In this manner, with 4 ft' of good soil, it's a wick system of sorts. Dump two 55 gal. drums of water in the thing, the soil will absorb the water-(watch paper towel commercials) Cotton ropes for a wick system, also. On the lowest side, a softball size drainage will be needed. Pile a few dead limbs around, sloppy like. Plant fast growing vines. In one month, the bitch will be covered with vines. You can't get busted if your not caught drooling over 100 lbs. of bud. Think about it. I would. Now, for your half-stepping question, block off the lowest side-plywood, etc, add soil & grow, Too much time & trouble for all the pot shit. Clean & caulk excess drainage holes to control water drainage. Food for thought. Sell 80 lbs., buy a junk yard full of fucked-up old Dumpsters, etc. Or, just retire.


Well-Known Member
Now, I want a Dumpster, drag it facing east & west for best sunlight. There is no Construction site in the world where workers don't overfill, such as.... dead limbs laying over the top, breaking up the sight of green shit inside, but allowing good light. What's the difference in somebody finding 10 in pots, or..... 200 ?. Purple plants help from seeing overhead. I grew in black pots. That was what stood out. In this manner, with 4 ft' of good soil, it's a wick system of sorts. Dump two 55 gal. drums of water in the thing, the soil will absorb the water-(watch paper towel commercials) Cotton ropes for a wick system, also. On the lowest side, a softball size drainage will be needed. Pile a few dead limbs around, sloppy like. Plant fast growing vines. In one month, the bitch will be covered with vines. You can't get busted if your not caught drooling over 100 lbs. of bud. Think about it. I would. Now, for your half-stepping question, block off the lowest side-plywood, etc, add soil & grow, Too much time & trouble for all the pot shit. Clean & caulk excess drainage holes to control water drainage. Food for thought. Sell 80 lbs., buy a junk yard full of fucked-up old Dumpsters, etc. Or, just retire.

Ya man that sounds like a plan. Gonna give this alot of consideration. Im gonna go clean out the area and get some pics up to show you guys what im working with and hopefully get some more tips.


Well-Known Member
This just sound too cool cant wait to see some pic. of this dumptruck.. And Ireland I cant see a better place for letting mother nature do the watering...But i was think why not just use the truck bed as the pot and feel it with mild ly good dirt the big piles you see in dirt shops and then go crazy with the nuts.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
4 ft. of good soil. For a stating base, check on-line & local newspapers for a nearby mushroom farm. I get a completely filled truck load for $20. bucks. Look also for a local Rabbit raiser, He'll give you the shit for free. What that Dumpster is, also, is a fantastic worm farm, which will make your soil the best of the very best. Just order a couple lbs. on-line, & throw them in. Worms don't do drugs,chems, nor Poultry manure ( too much nitrate). They love Rabbit manure, & so do plants. 30% Rabbit manure, the rest, compost, GOOD top soil & mulch. If you can get all this shit into the "Raised Bed", pour a shit load of molasses, liquid seaweed, one big handful of Epsom salt (per plant area), fish emulsion & compost tea. Whole ground cornmeal, also. I'm thinking a tightly drawn nylon fishing net over the top to help break up the green color. Remember the cotton rope wick system, it will help a lot on watering. Post a few pics, if possible.


Well-Known Member
4 ft. of good soil. For a stating base, check on-line & local newspapers for a nearby mushroom farm. I get a completely filled truck load for $20. bucks. Look also for a local Rabbit raiser, He'll give you the shit for free. What that Dumpster is, also, is a fantastic worm farm, which will make your soil the best of the very best. Just order a couple lbs. on-line, & throw them in. Worms don't do drugs,chems, nor Poultry manure ( too much nitrate). They love Rabbit manure, & so do plants. 30% Rabbit manure, the rest, compost, GOOD top soil & mulch. If you can get all this shit into the "Raised Bed", pour a shit load of molasses, liquid seaweed, one big handful of Epsom salt (per plant area), fish emulsion & compost tea. Whole ground cornmeal, also. I'm thinking a tightly drawn nylon fishing net over the top to help break up the green color. Remember the cotton rope wick system, it will help a lot on watering. Post a few pics, if possible.
wow i really want to see pics of this! this sounds super awesome. dont bother using pots in the truck man. what everyone else has been saying sounds super awesome.