Growing outdoors in the city...


Well-Known Member
I was thinking next year I should put a few plants outside in my back yard, either in pots or planted right in the ground. I guess I could make a mini greenhouse around it but was wondering if anyone's ever had any trouble growing outside, other than theft?

I have a privacy fence around the property, and the backyard is really far from the street, the only people who it would be obvious to are the neighbors on both sides.

Only thing I saw in the law was:
(1) It shall be a class 3 civil infraction to use or display medical cannabis in a manner or place which is open to the view of the general public.
I'm curious....anyone done it or know someone who has here in Seattle?


Well-Known Member
It's always a risk....

This is my second balcony grow in Seattle.... However, I have a lot of privacy...

I would recommend growing in pots that way they can be moved easily if needed...


Active Member
i know a gal in white center, who has, or had, maybe 15 plants, all like 6-8' tall. doing well. she had even more in her veg garden. gave me some clones. i have a few plants, that are due to be cut soon, and they are in he ground. seems to me, its the pots that would catch someones attention. so i put em up along some bamboo, and this is my second year. of course, i have a rotti in the yard. but he is a sweetie. (neigbor says not so sweet, when im gone)-lol...people walk by, and dont notice anything. all blends in. and how close, you figure you have to be, to be able to tell they are "pot"? very close, actually. so plant by other stuff.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I must have been high when I posted this because I was reading the state law (and seeing portland people growing under carports lol) after getting my recommendation and was all gung-ho then remembered it's the DEA that is the main concern and it would depend on whether a neighbor reported it to them or not. Which, the house on one side is a bunch of college girls and they have a plant in one of their windows, the other side are 2 gay guys that are amazing gardeners. Might do a little greenhouse or something in the back surrounded by blackberry bushes.

Fucking feds ffs honestly how the fuck hasn't A) it been shown herb has medicinal value and B) it's less harmful than socially acceptable legal habits???? Like, how can they keep it a schedule 1 drug, why can't that be challenged and shown to be bullshit and inaccurate by the very definition of what schedule 1 drugs are? grrr....I figure fuck 'em, i have a brain tumor come at me, I'd make a great fucking news story.