Growing Outdoors


Active Member
Hi guys, I am very new and have been learning lots.

2 Questions:

1) When should I plant here in southern Ontario? I will be starting with containers before moving outdoors.

2) When will my buds be ready? I will be using
Summertime Buddha which has a 7-9 wk flowering period.



Well-Known Member
Canada? Sorry but I'm from the other side of the world,
but generally you can start as soon as the frosts are over,
but outdoors they wont flower until autumn when daylight hours get down to 13 hours or less, so a couple of months after that. Hope this helps. Maybe someone familiar with your region can help more.


Well-Known Member
Unless they are auto flowering like Lowryders, yes, they start flowering when daylight hours go down to 13 or 12 hours which is autumn.
So the earlier in spring you plant them the longer they will vegitate for and the bigger they will get, which means more buds.
Hope this helps.
See FAQ for all the info you need, and good luck.