Growing plants upside down


So I saw the ads for the upside down tomato planters and I thought, would that work? If so it would be easy to string up on a pulley from a tree. Hide the rope stealthy and you can just lower it to water and check up on it. Plus, you can go to the most dense part of the forest and still have full sun exposure. Well it was just a thought, I'm gonna germ some seeds this week so I can sex them and clone them in time. I'm trying to figure out some ingenious stealth guerilla setups.


Well-Known Member
years ago there was a guy on overgrow who was doing some plants upside down. i dont remember the method but youve got the idea seeing the tomatoe planters. funny i seen them at wallmart just this morning and was thinking about trying one myself. i believe the guy on overgrow did harvest like that i do not remember any pictures. the plant will only turn and grow toward the sun anyhow but its a neat idea. try it and ill try one to.