Growing Pot with pet store supplies?


Active Member
hey fellow tokers.. just wondering something..
so i've never actually done a grow before, but times are hard and weed is sometimes scarce around where i live.. so i've been pondering the idea.

is there any possible way to do a SIMPLE grow using supplies from like.. say PetSmart? (i've worked in the Pet Care dept for way too long and i get a discount..) i was thinkin stuff like tanks, lights, humidity/temp guages, misters, soils/sands (like reptile bedabeast or somethin?)... blah blah blah

idk.. it might be a stupid idea and i may be way off track.. but if whatever, let me know! =]

toke toke toke!


Well-Known Member
I don't know, guy, you should probably just get everything at Wal-Mart. All you need are some CFL's or flouros, good potting soil, a small desk fan, some pots and a nice grow space. Everything else is pretty much bells and whistles. By the way, you know it's too late to plant outdoors, right? At this point in the season you're relegated to growing indoors only. Can you get all that stuff at work? Probably not.