growing welll. what do you think?


Active Member
Some updated photos of my babies, the first is the plant that has been enjoying both sunlight in the day and cfls at nite. recently bent over and pruned lower fan leaves to give the new growth more light, and the second is entirely outdoors and ive basically just left to grow by itself besides watering as you can see from the caterpillar bites and haggard appearence. both different bagseed sativas but im sure the outdoor plant must have some mild indica the leaves are just so dam wide!

what do you think, any suggestions??

oh yeh and the indoor/outdoor plant is showing signs of sex or what i think is sex at the nodes their are two white hairs below the new growth. the other is a mystery.



Well-Known Member
Looks good, yeah, the stems look strong. I was slow on getting a fan in the grow room to strengthen mine so now I'm playing catchup to try to stop them from leaning.


Active Member
the outdoor plant is 1/3, 2 others just like it, im thinking i mite start to flower one of them soon, thinking itl be like a test flower, thats if its fem.