Growstones vs Hydroton?


New Member
I know Hydroton is an industry standard and everyone loves it - but I'd love to know more about Growstones which are basically recycled broken glass bottles. The price is not an issue to me, I more care about results/function/etc.

I've seen mixed thoughts - some people say it it keeps the roots too wet but others absolutely love it and say they have stronger/better root systems with Growstones.

Also, since actual Hydroton has been discontinued - what brand do you use/what do you buy? It would be preferable to order online.

So what do you use/why? Thanks :)
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Well-Known Member
Duudical has a grow going on now using growstones in a waterfarm, and a DWC set up as well. His plants look great!

Here's a link to his thread:

I've got a male, sadly, that I grew in growstones, and it turned out fine as well, however, I just hand watered.

Based on my limited experience, and from what I've seen from a couple other growers, the stuff works fine for our purposes.


Well-Known Member
I don't see any reason why it would be better or worse. As long as it is inert and holds the plant up.. job well done. I don't know how glass could keep something more wet in DWC since the netpot is over the water line and glass is not porous, but having never tried it.. it's logical speculation on my part.

I use an off brand 'expanded clay pellets' that my local shop carries.