growth stops during flowering?


Well-Known Member
I'm on my 5th day of flowering.. During the first three days, I was getting extreme growth.. Then I watered with early flowering nutes (1/2 recommended).. Ever since, I've been getting growth, however not the kind i've seen on the first 3 days.. Is this normal?

The first two pics are day 1.. the second two are day 3, i cant take any of today, however they dont look much different than day 3 (only slightly bigger)


the widowman

Well-Known Member
there indicas you need to veg for 6 weeks or so before swichting to 12/12 for flowering. your plants are looking good all the same man!!!!


Well-Known Member
well the first 3 days, the growth was crazy.. also it is master kush and i was told it was indica / sativa

I vegged this for 5 weeks (maybe a day or two less)

what should I do?


Well-Known Member
also I believe I had 5 nodes at day 1 and on day 3 i had 7 nodes which was the quickest short term growth ive seen yet


Well-Known Member
MAster kush is listed as mostly inidca, it probably has the stop growwing gense. Mght as well keep flowering dont wanna stress it.

Hmmm 5 days in? You might be able to revert it back with minimum stress,


Well-Known Member
so its not going to get any bigger than it currently is?

i dont grow this where i sleep, so i wont be able to switch it back til day 6.. however i spent alot of money on grow gear and nutes, i'd hate to have shit yields, i thought 5 weeks would be enough


Well-Known Member
Many inidica growers claim there will be slow growth until the forth week. Mine stopped completely BTW.

And if I recall correctly it takes 10 days for the plant to sense the change.
and what lights are you using? If you have an HPS I would revert a plant or 2. if your on CFLs keep flowering.


Well-Known Member
can anyone give me an opinion wheter i should put these bag in veg? I always thought that with indica it stretches during flower as well.. i never heard of the growth stopping

I just found a post from video man stating(about indica)
well I suppose anything is possible, but you want the plant 1st to be sexually mature, meaning alternating nodal arrangement and leaves with 5 or more blades. When you have these traits, your plant is mature enough to flower.

Having said that, if memory serves me correct, you have the 400 watt light?
With that as a source, growing an indica, I'd want to flower at about 12 inches, maybe 14, but not more. The plants will atleast double in size. They may triple.
Dude, if you get an oz or two per plant on your first try, you did great!
I hope this helps you.


Active Member
ralphie firstly i hope you got a ton of those little guys because you will only yield about 1/8 oz. dried per plant if you are lucky. the slowed growth is probably due to the transition from veg. to flower, where energy is moved from growing stalk and primary fan leaves toward bud and flower production hence slowed vertical growth and increased horizontal. The height of your plant will probably only get about 50% taller it may grow up to 200% wider it just depends on if you "topped" your plants (highly recommended in indoor growing, it produces bushier plants instead of pine tree shaped plants.


Well-Known Member
an 1/8 ounce dry? everything i heard in this thread so far is the opposite of what i spent months reading.. PLEASE TELL ME ITS NOT TRUE!!


Active Member
if you have moms then just keep flowering it isn't worth the time to go back to veg. If these are the only plants you have go back to 20/4 lighting and wait about a week to see new vertical growth then after another week cut off the top 2-3 nodes and one more time a week later then go back to 12/12 a week after that then you could expect more like an ounce per plant


Well-Known Member
I have the two front plants under LST.. i read about both LST and topping and i'd rather not top due to stressing the plant


Well-Known Member
any other opinions here? I've read in so many places to expect 2 - 3 times vertical growth (with indica) from many reputable posters.. any other opinions would be greatly appreciated as i am going crazy at thsi point.. i flowered at 13" as recommended ( a little higher) i dont know what to do


Active Member
I'm really shocked at the responses. Of course the growth slows down and stops! I purposely take my plants out of vegetation at 55 cm because they will just less than double in height while in flowering. After that the growth of the plant stops and the buds really begin to form.


Active Member
Oh yeah, I was extremely dissappointed at the first amount I harvested. LOL!! When I weighed the bud it was nearly 1/4 while wet. After curing I barely had 25% of the weight left. Needless to say, that put a big dent in my plans!


Well-Known Member
but even if its a indica.. if i flowered at 12" with 6 nodes.. i am going to still get a decent yield.. correct?