Grozone fan control problems.........


Well-Known Member
I bought this Growzone TV2 fan speed module and I have nothing but problems with it. I am constantly adjusting it so it comes on and so it turns off at the right temps. I hafto check on it constantly! Its not rocket science on how this thing works but holy shit! If I set it to turn off at 65 degrees it turns off but then doesnt come on into idle till it hits 70 degrees so it stays off and my humidity goes threw the roof! so if I adjust it to come on again, when the lights are on, it holds it at 70 when its supposed to be at 75. total gong show! I plan on getting a refund because I used a simple fan control and it kept my room way more stable on and always has the fans running so the humidity stays low and creates a nice negative pressure. I have put a heater in the room now to artificially bring the temp up so the damn thing comes on but now I dont get the 10 degree drop with lights off. Yikes:wall:

Has anyone used this product and had luck? its a good concept but its so unstable



Active Member
yea i use this controller with no problems. i have mine set to never turn off. works wonders for me, i use it with the sentinel mdt-1 electronic controller and toghther they controller controll everything. only thing i have to do is water my plants, adjust light height and trim. other than that my room runs itself.

Bak to the grozone controller, i have mine set to 75 degrees is when my fan speeds up. night time temp is 62 and day time with my 1k running is 75-78. if my room for some reason gets over 82 degrees, then the high temp. shut off feature in the mdt-1 shuts off my light but keeps everything else going. i love it, saved my ass 3 times allready when i was at work and temps got to high. cant say enought good things about it.


Active Member
i guess i could do that. i use the grozone controller becuse with out it my fan runs at full hurricane speed. it is very loud when running at full speed and it sucks in the grow tent i use, it looks like its going pull my room down at full speed. My fan never runs over 30% power withthis controller. the reason i have it running my fan 24/7 is becuse when the light is off if the fan is off that means nothing is going thru the filter and it stinks really bad if i have the fan off at night. So the full speed noise of the fan, the fact it stinks like great weed if i have the fan off at nigh is why i keep my exhaust fan going. during night time my fan is running at idle, or 10 to 20% of full power. also it helps to keep steady temps, lets the room get up to 75 degrees before giving the fan more power. i wouldnt want my fan running full speed if my room temp is say 68, let it get to 75, then kick the fan up in speed. Many differt ways to go i just like this controller becuse it keeps temps more stable.