GR’s Stacked 315W CMH Vertical, G13 Haze, 2017


Well-Known Member
Welcome my friends and fellow growers to the show!

After an accidental, decent last grow, two plants,15+ zips, and decent quality, am back with my original plan for last fall. Will be doing a 5 plant vertical grow with coco, screens, and stacked 315 W CMH (3100 K) and drip irrigation.

Grow area - 4x4x6’7” Gorilla tent
Lights – 2 x Nanolux 315W CMH NA
Screens - 21”x 40” Overall working height is 54” (137 cm)
Pots– Two gallon Smart Pots
Medium - Straight Coco
Nutes – Canna Coco A&B, Rhizotonic, Cannazym, Boost and KoolBloom.
Number of plants – 5
Strain – Barneys Farm G13 Haze (4), and Critical Kush (1)

The grow:
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Seedlings should be replanted into the two gallon smart pots within a week, one of the G13's is behind by about 6 day or so.
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The drip irrigation is a 1/2" setup fed by a 3/4" line that originates in a separate room, from a 10 gal primary rez and a secondary 14 gal rez that recirculates the rez's and keep the primary filled. The manifold is 8 stations, but will plug 3 stations. It will have equal length 1/4" feed lines that I am considering attaching a 1/4" cross that will allow three lines to feed each plant. Each main feed line will have a quick disconnect so I can move the plants in and out of the tent as needed to work on them. Will post pics soon of this setup.
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I used one of the 315W last grow along with a 400W LED, both hung slightly tilted toward the two plants.
Now this run will be the first time I have run 2 - 315's in a vert grow. I am truly impressed with the 315W for how it responded last grow. Both ballast are outside the tent, have plenty of air movement so I am not that concerned with heat issues, do have extra AC in the small room I am extracting air from, if needed.
Here's a picture of the two fixtures w/o the bulbs.
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Will change the height of the lower light stand by removing pvc pipe and replacing with with longer pieces.
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I will accept comments, both positive and negative, and suggestion for all you very smart people, with more experience than I.

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Hi y'all,

Ok today the Ladies were transplanted from their Solo's to the Smart Pots and have the irrigation setup, tested and ready, less a few tweeks.

Two gallon pots, coco to given level with Solo imbedded to height using 2 cups, one inside the other. This way I can fill the pots, then remove the second cup to have in place a sliced cup for watering in the coco.

The 1st cup with the slits and holes sets in the coco at level, then a solid 2nd cup is place inside the first and the remainder of the coco is put in. Then remove the 2nd solid cup and begin filling the 1st cup with solution, which slowly saturates the coco.
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Once saturated, the cup is removed and now they are ready for the transplants. The seedlings growing in Solo's fits directly into the hole shaped like a Solo.
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They are in the tent under and SS400 LED and the drip system is in place but needs more dialing in and straightening up the mess of hoses.
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Will grow under the LED for a week or two then remove the LED and add one of the 315's. When the plants get to the right height the second 315 will be added.

