GSE injection ourdoor food crop hydroponics

Ive seen reports GSE(grapefruit seed extract) works excellent for algae clean up in reses. Ive had an outbreak in my outdoor hydroponic res over past 4 days mostly from me forgetting to cover the res.. and rather than water the yard and flush and clean it ... Im going to try to revive it with GSE to keep from wasting water.. the system is aquaponics with 3 foot waterfall and bubble rock column for turning organic fish waste into plant food with beneficial bacteria. Using medium pleco algae eating heavy feeders in the res or what should be now called the bog... hopefully the GSE will clean the water and keep roots and fish happy .... without chemicals so they produce and fish I sell to restaurants can stay completely organic. will attach pictures.


Well-Known Member
Interesting. Don't know how GSE will effect the fish, but I would love to see pics of this.


Well-Known Member
I am pretty sure any type of oil is harmful to fish. Could be wrong but I too have an ap system and would not dare add anything to it. If u have plecos then just let them go at it
a swarm of 35 plecos and 5 channel cats and 5 koi .. GSE was successful but couldn't fight the onslaught within first 3 days water clarity improved down to 1 foot deep from 1 inch. Fish were unharmed ... the bloom was halted and the plants where not affected by the gse... unfortunately the gse being antibacteria did do some damage to the aquaponic cycling .. and conversion didnt happen as well .. as gse wore out im assuming everything returned to normal.. except the algae came back...

This can be a solution to indoor algae prevention ... as well as outdoor covered system... no worries about fish and no worries about plant... produce (lettuce , etc.) tasted the same as before...

GLuck guys sorry no camera for pics.