gting bak into it....naki skunk


Well-Known Member
SANY1715.jpgSANY1716.jpgSANY1714.jpgwel i gt dis frm ma mate b4 i went south,traded ma last white widow clones 4 skunk it shud go well i hope i started the first seedling on a blue 20w cfl week 1.jpgthis is the other 1 i sprouted,since then they both been cloned


Well-Known Member
SANY1818.jpgthis was taken on the 24 of aug 2 weeks and a day or so since they popd they grow up so fast:weed: they under 3 20ws nw


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SANY1935.jpgSANY1942.jpgSANY1940.jpgSANY1939.jpgSANY1943.jpgSANY1941.jpgthey had 2 of the 20ws replaced with 2 red 45ws decided to start tieing them down 4 alil bit more yeild lol


Well-Known Member
SANY1984.jpgSANY1987.jpgSANY1981.jpgSANY1978.jpgSANY1976.jpgSANY1985.jpgSANY1982.jpgSANY1979.jpgSANY1986.jpgSANY1977.jpgSANY1974.jpgSANY1983.jpgSANY1946.jpgSANY1980.jpgSANY1947.jpgSANY1975.jpg um wel this is week 2 of bud cycle,going reali well going to start them on blood and bone,hahahaha gt real skimp had 2 taste test lol bt still all gud gt 7 45w red bulbs and fan going nw they reali loven it,pt 4 clones down bt sofar looks like 1 aynt going so well hopefuly it pulls thru,i gt sum g13 clones sum sour deasel clones coming as well in nxt 2 weks if anyone gts any advise or questions dnt heistate


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had a sligth fuk up went away 4 work and 4gt 2 pt ma timer bak in so thy gt lft on 4 32hrs i left them off 4 abt 36 afterwards bt thy stped budding i think,nt sure wats haping i hope thy come right !!!!!! :(


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SANY2010.jpgSANY2008.jpgSANY1995.jpgSANY2006.jpgSANY2003.jpgSANY2011.jpgSANY2001.jpgSANY2002.jpgSANY2000.jpgSANY2007.jpgSANY2004.jpgSANY1998.jpgSANY2012.jpgSANY2013.jpgSANY1999.jpgSANY1996.jpgSANY2009.jpgSANY2005.jpgSANY1997.jpgheas da new piks ADVISE WOULD BE AWSME AT THIS POINT!!!!!!! how long do u guys reaking they have for budding? my last indoor grow i neva gt 2 see to the end due 2 moving and my out doors i had was jst extremly cristaly leaves so im in unknown territory lol PLEASE HELP


Well-Known Member
cheers bro,had afew hickups bt they bak in bud again YAY bud growth lol i think i gt about 3-4 weeks left ma man with the sour deasil clones jst gt busted so dat suks bt at least its nt me!!!!!! ill have sum more pics up nxt wek then hopfuly therly b sum more progress but 1 things fosure thy sure do stink da house out wen i leave da doors open lmao any advise or comments u wana make dnt heisitate!!!!!!! i love talkn about dope lmao


Well-Known Member
feeling guilty as :( lol took a cliping again it had afew crystals covering the leaves i jst pt it in2 the drying jar sum where warm lol ma usal fula i gt sum off is all out of da gud shit 4 da nxt few weeks so im gna be hanging hard lol


Well-Known Member
yeah ur right about that bro,alil scared atm tho ma plant with the bigga bud looks like she may be a hermie :cry: so gtta wait nd see ova da nxt few days to weatha or nt shes gona gt da CHOP!:weed: shes gt sum nice lil buds on hur tho 4 a 10inch plant with da streching shes gne thru lol jst pt 1 of ma lil clones in ther nw 2 so hopefully dat comes alone alright,will have sum more photos soon


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SANY2066.jpgSANY2068.jpgSANY2071.jpgSANY2069.jpgSANY2070.jpgSANY2058.jpgSANY2056.jpgSANY2063.jpgSANY2053.jpgSANY2060.jpgSANY2054.jpgSANY2069.jpgSANY2070.jpgSANY2064.jpgSANY2051.jpgSANY2065.jpg SANY2061.jpg heres ma girls da lil clone and da other clones onda window sill and da big girls are myne da reali green seedling inda bak ground of ma main lights is ma missz as well as da clones under da 3 bulbs are hurs as well im using dat nitrosol for ma fert it seems to bee working and im also using dat coke bottle and milk bottle to produce sum co2 using sugar water and yeast and to added sum lemon juice to the milk bottle 2 kill any fungi incase of bud rott, oh and um i gt sum leaves at da bottom yellowing is dat normal?


Well-Known Member
I have gotten some yellow on the lower leaves of my plants as well. Until I'm taught otherwise, i think it's normal. Lookin Good dood!


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SANY2262.jpgSANY2258.jpgSANY2259.jpgSANY2256.jpgSANY2255.jpgSANY2263.jpgSANY2260.jpgSANY2257.jpgSANY2071.jpgSANY2261.jpgSANY2264.jpgSANY2252.jpgSANY2070.jpgSANY2254.jpgSANY2253.jpg cheers manyeah ive been talking 2 heaps of ppl and it seams like its a normal thing,5 days since ma last photos and it seems like they gtting bigger lol im happy they doing alrite for week 6 ruffly, da clone is grown and da seedling has doubled in size:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
and if you have a hermie, just cut the bananas. It's worth it, even if it does take a little bit more effort to maintain.


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dats a hole point of growing rabidnz lol so i have ma own,nd tinnys nt sold al ova nz nt in da south any way bt mean 1s up north lol,Wajimaya yeah ur right man yeah i gt heaps of clones and i have seen 1 small banana bt i pick hur so hopefuly she dnt com bak!!!!!!! bt it will defintly b worth it in da long run i reaking between 3-5 weeks i reali gotta get a magnifying glass tho,rite nw have a joint lol of ma mates stuff it pretty gud:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
da lil plant or seedling turnded out male :( but dat algud hes gone out side and gona become oil!!!!!!