Guard Toad Good or Bad? ither way hes living in my plants

hello all, i am new, but not for long. well this was my first out door grow and about 2 months into their life i found a toad who took particular interest in my plants. at first i though how cute, and that he will maybe eat or keep away pesky insects(i know aphids etc are way to small for a toad to eat). i left him in his own little world for a while, the he started to dig decent holes to whitch i found roots were torn. i never disturbed the toad in any way but i moved my plants to accommodate the sun shifting. There was nothing leading up to the plant so that it wound be able to let a toad climb up (i really don't know how he did in the first place, but once i moved them i never saw him again(for now). note these pot holding the plants are about a foot or a bit more high).

well what do you you have toads with your plants, if so do you like them around or dislike? because i got a shit load of them, but one in particular. maybe pot toad or an incarnated pothead heh, i don't know.

oh yes, please note this is an american toad, they live all through out northen america and southern Canada


Dyna Ryda

Well-Known Member
Kill those nasty fuckers, I hate toads, we get really big ones here. I usually smash them with a big rock. Fyi, they are poisonous to dogs, don't let your dog bite one.


Well-Known Member
It's getting close to fall so he probably dug in there to find a place to sleep for the winter. Depending on the temps in your area anyways. They usually dig deep enough to get below the frost line and hold the fort down til spring. I actually dug one up in the flower bed last Jan when I was getting an early start on getting things together (was bored) After picking him up and making sure I didn't hurt him I put him back in the dirt. He just burrowed right back in there. That said it was too early to be messing around lol


Active Member
i think he is waylaying some rippers, i bet he is just setting there wishing someone would try to steal your plant and when they leaned over to chop it down he leaps up and in a fit of rage rips the carotid artery out. just leave it karma is a bitch.