Guerilla 20 plants / 9 strains


Good evening everyone.
This is my first grow, so I'm very excited.

I have 20 seeds from The Attitude.

Vanilla Kush 10 fem
Burmese Kush 1 fem
Kushage 1 fem
S.A.G.E 1 fem
Critical+ 1 fem
Blue Widow 1 fem
G13 Hypnotic 1 fem
Heavy Duty Fruity 2 reg
Darkstar 2 reg

Germination procedure:
- Labeled all of my glasses so I don't mix any seeds up
- Put seeds in glasses filled with luke warm water
- Gently poked the seeds with a clean finger to get as many to sink as possible
- Put glasses on shelf in a dark closet

Simple as that. :)

I'm expecting my plants to all be harvested by late September-mid October.


Heading to bed now, early morning tomorrow. :sleep:


My temporary grow closet is set up.
Some may call it "ghetto", I call it working with what you have, because your roommates can't find out.
I have two 150w incandescent bulbs, and one 36w fluorescent tube. The lights get really hot in my closet, so I have a decent sized fan circulating air up to a makeshift chimney. The pictures explain all.
The majority of my seeds have tap roots (only showing vanilla kush in the picture), but I had to plant on Thursday night, so you can see in the pictures that the roots are quite minuscule. I don't think this will be a large problem, if a problem at all.
I bought a couple 20L bags of earth from Walmart, only $1 a piece, but I ended up not even using half of one. I filled each cup, and poked two holes in the side-bottom of each cup, one opposite the other. Then I scooped a tiny bit of soil away from the middles of each cup, maybe a 1/3" deep, placed a seed in the hole, and then lightly covered the seed with soil. The soil was already pretty moist, but I gave the tops a little watering. I put the cups into containers, and filled the containers so that 1/3 of each cup got covered. This way they can water themselves for a few days, as I won't be able to safely check on them for the next 3 days or so. I had to cover any openings in the door because light was pouring out. I used a faux leather type material along with lots of duct tape and tarp tape. The light is now no longer visible, and my lights are on from 6AM-10PM.
Also, I will be transplanting outdside in a couple of weeks, right before they begin to smell.


I will be checking on my plants tomorrow, and installing a pinhole camera in the closet so I can monitor them by watching the tv in the basement! :)


Feel free to post any ideas that will help me out, as this is my first grow.

I have some bad news.
Only 3 of my Vanilla Kush are up, and only 2 of which are growing nicely. Most of my other seeds except for Hypnotic and Blue Widow are growing nicely as well.
For some reason rollitup has rotated all of my pictures.
The first pic in the red container is my vanilla kush. The third plant is hard to see, but it's in the bottom right hand corner of the picture.


I've repositioned the plants so that they're only in two trays, now (don't pay attention to the one plant in the black container).
The top plant in the red container is vanilla kush, but it just looks like a big tap root and the seed is nowhere in site. So I doubt she's going to grow anymore.
The bottom left in the red container is my Blue Widow, and I'm giving her another week to see if she'll pop up.
The middle right of the white container is my 3rd vanilla kush. She's going to need a lot of loving if she's going to catch up to her 2 sisters.


I've also turned my fan speed up another level to try and pump more hot air out of my closet. It seemed to be getting very hot in there.


It's been a long time, so i figured I'd write a little more and post some pics. Right now only 8 plants are doing well, and there's one little runt that probably won't make it. Three of those plants are reg, so I may have to cut them down early. These means I really need to do some LST.
Here are the plants from a couple of days ago:

There some pictures of what kind of dirt is already in the ground. It starts with some black soil and then turns into an orangey/rusty colour, possibly a lot of iron? :/

And the various bags of soil, cow/sheep shit I'm using to mix in along with what's there, as well as some blood and bone meal, and I have some liquid ferts. Not MG!