Guerilla Grow Journal~ Cheese strain!


Active Member

I'm transfering this to here as opposed to the journal space. I just kinda like the setup better, plus maybe here people will feel more comfortable to help answer my questions. Let me catch you up----

So, I know you guys haven't seen me around in a while, and may I say the changes to the site are sweet! For the OG's who remember me; scope this journal! I'm back growing again!

Anyway I'll get to it. Two days ago I copped 6 Cheese clones that are going to be guerilla grown, from a medicinal marijuana dispensary in San Francisco. They are currently in an organic soil medium. Once plants become slightly more established I intend to start natural fertilization with bat guano after transplanting into native soil, which will be amended with store bought soil and bat guano. Currently, they are in individual containers. So heres the deal growing homies, I will post daily (or as often as I can) photos, if you all keep checking back for this grow with your advice and help!

Heres the pics from the last two days!



Active Member
I would have posted this yesterday, but I believe I was too high to operate a computer. bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie:joint::joint:

anyway I went up there and the plants looked good. However, them receiving optimum sunlight has been a major concern of mine because the place has lots of trees blocking light. So I spent about an hour destroying a nearby tree that was blocking their light. I took a bug of the under leaves of the largest plant (which I am gunna start calling the hulk, cause shes big and green) but there was no damage and no infestation. I am going to avoid using any type of pesticide as long as possible. Its nearly impossible to take pictures of them with my phone camera but, it seems these babies are already showing pre-flowering signs of being female! (Not that I didn't know, again they're clones) I also laid about a quart of soil and mixed in some bat guano. I am going back later to lay 2 more quarts of soil and more bat guano. I think I will probably transplant these babies on the fifteenth of july. But I may do it before then, who knows.

P.S I know this grow is just starting but don't be surprised if at some point this grow becomes much bigger, I was telling my dad about this grow and he offered a possibility of getting me free clones from his friend which may or may not happen.

I'm going up there later today and will either update ya'll tonight or 2m morning. What do you guys think? I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Here are some fat pics to feast your eyes on, I wish I could translate the smell online, they smell like the final product! Tasssty!:peace:



Active Member
Sup grow fam!
Day 4
I was REALLY high and when I went to water the plants I went unprepared (without my spray bottle and other water bottle) and used the water im reserving up there. I noticed some interesting growth on one plant, soon I will name all the plants so they are easier to identify (sorry) but they are small weird shaped leaves that dont look very healthy, hopefully it is just growing out. Also I noticed yellowing of some leaves which I interpreted was lack of nitrogen.

Day 5
Because of the yellowing from yesterday I decided to apply a minimal amount of "Mr. Schultz" fertelizer the NPK is 10-15-10 I think. However the soil in many was still moist from yesterdays watering. From now on I will water either every other day or every 3 days, because it seemed I almost drowned the Hulk. because water was pooling in her container i tipped it, and the rockwool cube came out slightly, I doubt i did the plant any damage but I was able to see the root growth which was extremely minimal and I was dissapointed in. Does anyone have any advice on a good way to promote healthy roots? I would appreciate it. Also I've noticed a couple of the same kind of little bugs on the underleaves, if anyone knows of a good organic bug reppelent that would help me out. I haven't laid the rest of the soil, but I'll get on it in the next few days.

Last thing, like I said the other day I killed a tree that I thought was blocking sunlight, i am worried they aren't getting enough sun but after 5 days in this spot it seems like they are growing pretty well... just a thought...

Here are some pics



Yay cheese!

I just won a cut at the THC expo in SF, can't wait to find out if it's a yummy and legit version! nice going on the guerilla grow too, looks fun.

Stay safe and happy gardening =)


Active Member
Hey Basher, Cool! I missed it by a few hours, I heard they had an 8 ft volcano bag. Thanks man.

So I didn't go see them day 6. But today I made the decision to move them around 50 ft. They will get much more sunlight in this spot. However it may be slightly less cutty, it is still very secretive.
Not much to speak of, they're looking good. One plant when I moved it bent over, I was gunna stand it up straight but I kinda figure its like a natural LST, and seems like it give more light to certain areas which may increase yield...

I took pictures, but my phone is being gay and I can't upload shit. Imagine the last pictures slightly bigger.:peace::joint::joint:bongsmiliebongsmilie:blsmoke::peace::peace:


Active Member
Sorry about not having pics you guys. really sorry. My phone is a piece of shit ever since I was on mushrooms and got pissed at technology and threw my cell. I have spent hrs trying to get it to get the pics on here.

After a beatiful day drooper stopped drooping, and I applied a small amount of nutrients (Mr. Shultz, 10-15-10) Yesterday was day 8 and there was a lady I regularly see there spoke to me for a while. I don't think she could ever find the plants though, and if she did I doubt she'd even touch them. She is a very old hippy chick...

I'm not going up today, 2m I might bring my sisters camera up so I can try and get ya'll some pics

happy indepepndence day:joint::joint::joint::peace:


Active Member
So, I suppose you came to the conclusion that I can't upload pictures. Which is why I haven't updated this. That would be correct, I am just concluding this by informing all of you that I had to chop them early, for a small shake harvest, because it was clear that some people had become aware of my plants, and I deciphered it was likely they would soon be stolen. But good comes from the bad, because soon I will have an indoor setup! Stay tuned...