Guerilla Grow Plan. Is It Legit?

Im growing outdoors up in washington state this summer. I have a about 70 or 80 healthy looking seeds from random zips and will get more by the time germ comes. I wanna germ in beginning of april i think and then grow them for about a month or month and a half and set out middle of may since may 15 is latest day of last frost in last 10 years and temperature should be up some then. I figure many of the seeds wont root and then half will be males but i hope to end up with about 20 or 30 plants for me and one other person to care for.

The spot is the biggest issue for me, there isnt any legit ass woods near me and im not gonna go far away till i know i can grow a good plant, all mine got jacked last year cause we were being dumb. I went out to the spot today though and got seen by one guy driving by but i figure that guy will forget about it in the next 4 months. On to the spot though its right off a road but theres a huge ditch between the road and the spot and it is completly fenced in with barbed wire and surrounded by farmland or fields and only one house on each side. Its about half a mile square and full of evergreens, blackberrys, and tall grass. When i went out it took about 10 minutes to make it 30 feet in past the blackberrys as i had to crawl under them but i went in from the worst side and i figure this can only help prevent people from going back there. there is another spot to go in where a small stream runs into the ditch and i think it should dry up come summer so ill probably us that so i wont leave a trail through the grass. Theres trees around the whole thing cause its completly untouched by people it looks like, All the grass is about 4 or 5 feet tall same with prickles but its not hard to get around once your in because theres lots of game trails from deer and coyotes. I even found a deer skeleton picked clean which has nothing to do with growing but may scare some pussy rippers away hopefully. I can tell theres lots of animals so i need to be sure to do something about them but ill figure it out later. In the middle of the place which is about a quarter mile into the woods and field from anything and takes about 20 due to the bushes already and probably will only take longer in the summer but that will help cover the plants i think. i think it might be private property but doesnt look like anyone has ever been in there, no signs of hunters or human activity at all really theres a driveway over the ditch on the side away from where i plan on putting the plants but it has 8 feet of bushes growing on it so no car is getting though it. If i see anything change from the road ( i drive by it to school everyday) come summer time im gonna use a different spots which dont seem as legit right now. But right now this spot seems right to me.

I know i rambled a lot but if anyone can understand kinda what the spot is like does it sound legit to you.

to sum it up its about half a square mile of untouched woods surrounded by a huge probably 7 foot ditch on the side with a road, and hay fields on all other sides. theres a shit load of prickles going at least 30 feet in from all sides on almost everyside and barbed wire on the whole thing. Theres tall evergreens all around and plenty of brush inside that will cover plants to anyone who goes in. Its hard to get around cause the ground is very uneven and tons of bushes. plenty of people go by and see it from the outside but i dont know why it would be worth it for anyone to go into unless there growing because of the hastle i had going in, i came out covered in prickles and soaked up to my knees. I found some higher patches amound tall grass and prickles for the plants and if it all works out ill have pictures and a grow journal hopefully (unlesss of course it goes so well i dont sober up enough to come back here).

Another idea i had so i dont have to pack lots of water in because the water out there looks kinda gross so i dont really wanna feed my plants with it, theres lots of tall bushes so i wanted to take some grabage cans or big tubs out there sometime soon at night and hide them but let them collect rainwater for a couple months so i only have to pack in fertilized water and the rest can be semi clean rain water that i can store for a while and know it will be there, i figure if i put them in the prickles nobody will really be able to see them so they wont give up the spot.

as for keeping the animals away i was gonna piss on the spot lots, and if it wasnt too expensive i wanted to buy some predator urine from a sporting good store cause i read that somewhere on here and sounded legit.

Im gonna use Pro-Mix BX w/ Mycroise, FF tiger bloom, and FF Grow big for soil and nutes and ill probably mix some other things in the pormix for added drainage or something. HOpefully the plants will go in holes but i dont wanna waste a bunch of soil on males, and im not sure if i will have security issues so they might stay in pots. I figure ill put the biggest plants in holes so they can become trees and any of the smaller ones will stay in pots till they get bigger or when they show sex i wanna put all them in holes for flowering i dont know if this will help much that late in the season.

theres plently of spots that looked good so im gonna but severel plants in several different spots so one place doesnt look really crowded and doesnt stick out a shit load in the chance that someone comes by.

This is just an expirament with some seeds on hand to see how my green thumb is so im not looking to do anything extreme really just see if i can grow and make a good crop and im just wanting any advice or opinions on my plan based on what you guys think about it so far. Sorry its kinda unorganized i was just rambling so it might be kind of jumpy and confusing. THanks for anyone who relies though im sure anything will help.
It sounds like it's in a good spot but I'm by no means an expert. As long as it's secluded and nobody can see you entering the site it won't be a problem. You definately are on the right track as far as deer are concerned, human piss is the best deer repellant. I piss around my plants every visit and deer stay away for sure. You want about 5-6 hours of direct sunlight for the plants if your looking for a good yield,more direct light the bigger they will get. Your only concern should be the houses on either side, people tend to get nosy if they see someone lurking in the woods around their house. Otherwise good luck with your grow.
indeed a good plan. but be warned that you should grow these near the egde of the tree's by an opening. try to get it so from overhead it looks natural. you have all good plans my friend. good luck to you
Ya im deffinatly not gonna go in during the day i did today because its a while till the season, nothing is out there yet, and not many people grow around here i dont think so its not like thats the first conclusion anyone would come to, and i got to see all the best lookin spots for them. It looks like just about anywhere will get plenty of sunlight, and theres plenty of pathes of tall trees and green bushes to disguise them, i did think about helicopters seeing it because its near the border but not right on it which is where anything flying over is, theres deffinatly not any big marijuana eradication budget here. So i will definitely put them close to the evergreens, probably try to find some smaller ones that look more the size of a plant. But i dont think lack of sunlight will be a big issue, and hopefully they wont stand out like a sore thumb. Theres lots of real tall grass but it gets alot shorter close to trees and brush which is were the plants will go so hopefully that doesnt interfer to much with light. My biggest concerns right now are the deer, i couldnt walk more then 15 feet without seeing deer poop, but being optimistic that probably mean not much human activity, the ground was also ridiculiously wet in most spots, where i thought would be good for plants was a little higher and the ground was dry, but i dont think that matters much cause we havnt had sun here much and its been raining a shitload cause its the northwest and thats all it does here in winter, if anything its good to know even with huge rain they will probably be fine in holes i guess i should dig one and see if it fills up when it rains. I was beginning to get apprehensive about it because of the driveway thing but all the bushes make me think nothings being done to the place and if there is i can always grow somewhere else with a little more risk, and i do plan on putting the plants on the opposite side of the place then the road and any of the easy entrances so it will hopefully detur anyone who comes in. Ill put the deer skulls there too, ha. it seems good, from the patch where they girls will be hopefully you cant see out past like a hundred yards because of trees or tall bushes so i think all will be good. Any more advice or opinions on anything else would be great still
good idea. yea just as long as they dont stand out much. where i live im growing them in swamps by the road. a little risky but i have a good plan about a windmill that stands on bricks that makes a small growing place. i cant realy explain but ill post pictures after the snow melts and i start growing
Heres my plan for germing too, using cfls and starting in a closet using just pro-mix bx with nothing added to it, not sure how many cfls yet or size it will all depend on how many seeds i need to germ, but i want to germ for a month and a half and for the last couple of weeks probably beginning of may put them outside to get used to the power of the sun and to hopefully minimize any shock from the temperature when they finially go outside around mid may, maybe sooner cause its supposedly el nino and global warming and shits already got record average highs around here so frost will probably be early. Does this all sound like it would be fine, or does anyone have suggestions or input on how to make that go over more smoothly?

Another thing i wanna do so i can have to plants in hole most the summer but not have to waste time and effort digging hole for males i will pull later, i was thinking of labeling each plant pot and then after the month and a half indoors taking a clone of each one also labeled so i can only put the females in holes, does this sound like a good idea?
i think you have a pretty good idea for germ too. although im just starting my first crops. im going to germ them inside on the windowsill and after put them in small cups with a nice airy soil mix. after they are about a month old (from out of the wet cloth to the point theyre growing good) ill put them in soil. If i were you id put those in later in the day when everyones going to bed and no ones outside.
o ya when i said soil i ment that i was gonna germ them and grow in pro-mix not soil, and i there gonna be in the pro-mix the whole time, and ill probably add some perlite or vermiculite or whatever it is to give more breathing room and add drainage for the roots.
yea right now im just trying to find fertilizer type stuff that i can buy at stores without the parents ever noticing.