guerilla grow.... seed or clone?


Well-Known Member
Just wondering what all you guerilla growers start your season with?
This was only my second season growing. Last year went with seeds and this year clones.

lets have your inputs please.


Well-Known Member
I grow in a clearing near woods a quarter of a mile from my house and it is a chore to haul water. I need a hardy plant. Plants from seed are much hardier. According to Rosenthal, you rarely, if ever, get a fully formed taproot from clones. You might get some close approximations, but for the most part you are getting weaker lateral roots from clones. Because seed plants form a full tap root, they can withstand weather extremes better. I grew both this year and there was no comparison. I doubt that I will bother much with clones in the future.


Active Member
This year was my first time using clones and I cant agree with Laney more Clones are just too weak I like my plants to be tough like weeds lol... My clones got blowing over because of wind almost a month after i put them into the ground just to fragile for my taste


I used clones and they were fine, make sure you use fencing due to animals digging through your soil to find bugs/grubs or they will tear your plants up.