Guerilla plot selection


Well-Known Member
Hey guys quick question:
I live in the Midwest in SE Ohio. Which side of a tree line should I plant? If it is a east to west tree line, should I plant on the north side or south side of the line? or a north to south tree line, should I plant on the east or west side of the line? Which is the most ideal overall? Thanks man for any info!!


Virtually Unknown Member
If I'm scouting out new locations I use a couple of tools below as well as a good topo map and compass to orient myself. I also physically look at the areas early Spring, mid Summer and Fall to make sure trees are not in the way and can visualize the sun declination, especially in Sept, Oct.

You down there in ReCreation Land? Been wanting to go bass fishing there for a while.,-84.512,10/2015.05.13/12:59