guerrilla growin

I have NEVER grown before but I have read a crap load about it so far.

I have a mm card but I cant grow at home and I still want to be able to grow. So my only option left is to grow in the wild.

Here's the deal.

In So Cal... coastal area
It gets as low as 50 degrees upwards of 70 right now.
Sun rises at 6 sets at 4:45. Out of direct sunlight at 2pm at the spot I have chosen.
I can water it nightly.
I DO NOT want to add a bunch of crazy nutrients and do a bunch of weird shit to the plant as its growing.

My goal is to grow a couple plants with minimalist care. That means I go out and water only as needed(still haven't read how much I should be watering the guys... daily?) One thing is for sure I am ONLY watering at night.

Here are my questions.

1. What should I put in the ground?

So far I am thinking walk over turn the soil a few times. Make sure leaves and what not get down in there for good retention of water. Put in a few banana peels. and since I want 2 plants... I am gonna put 5 seeds in the ground... I do not want to germinate them I want to see if they sprout all by themselves. Going to water the ground for a week before I put the seeds in the ground. I understand mj plants get kinda big outdoors :P if they stay healthy so I am going to put it right next to another big green bush that's already there so its not as noticeable out of nowhere...

2. Can i simply do tap water or MUST i do distilled water?

It does not rain enough in so cal... so I must water nightly... that should not be a problem however.

Is it retarded to plant the seeds now or is there a decent chance they will survive?

Any advice is recommended....

Marijuana is a flipping WEED that's why i m thinking I SHOULD be able to toss the seeds in the ground with some banana peels and some water and watch a bush form. But you guys are the experts... We shall see. Thanks in advance happy highs, stay away from the lows.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
i would pick spots for single plants spread out.

Dig big holes and see how deep the soil is good. If the soil is crappy and hard before like 2 feet down i would gather some other better looking top soil or something from the area and take out the rocks and roots and shit from the native soil and then refill the holes with loose clean soil .


Well-Known Member
Is it retarded to plant the seeds now or is there a decent chance they will survive?

if you sprout seeds now they will just want to flower and not yeild for shit so you have to wait until there is more hours of light per day like probably late april
Is it retarded to plant the seeds now or is there a decent chance they will survive?

if you sprout seeds now they will just want to flower and not yeild for shit so you have to wait until there is more hours of light per day like probably late april

Thanks very much for the help.


I have NEVER grown before but I have read a crap load about it so far.

I have a mm card but I cant grow at home and I still want to be able to grow. So my only option left is to grow in the wild.

Here's the deal.

In So Cal... coastal area
It gets as low as 50 degrees upwards of 70 right now.
Sun rises at 6 sets at 4:45. Out of direct sunlight at 2pm at the spot I have chosen.
I can water it nightly.
I DO NOT want to add a bunch of crazy nutrients and do a bunch of weird shit to the plant as its growing.

My goal is to grow a couple plants with minimalist care. That means I go out and water only as needed(still haven't read how much I should be watering the guys... daily?) One thing is for sure I am ONLY watering at night.

Here are my questions.

1. What should I put in the ground?

So far I am thinking walk over turn the soil a few times. Make sure leaves and what not get down in there for good retention of water. Put in a few banana peels. and since I want 2 plants... I am gonna put 5 seeds in the ground... I do not want to germinate them I want to see if they sprout all by themselves. Going to water the ground for a week before I put the seeds in the ground. I understand mj plants get kinda big outdoors :P if they stay healthy so I am going to put it right next to another big green bush that's already there so its not as noticeable out of nowhere...

2. Can i simply do tap water or MUST i do distilled water?

It does not rain enough in so cal... so I must water nightly... that should not be a problem however.

Is it retarded to plant the seeds now or is there a decent chance they will survive?

Any advice is recommended....

Marijuana is a flipping WEED that's why i m thinking I SHOULD be able to toss the seeds in the ground with some banana peels and some water and watch a bush form. But you guys are the experts... We shall see. Thanks in advance happy highs, stay away from the lows.bongsmilie
if i was you id germinate them in a paper towl, why would you want to throw banana peels in the soil whilst your plant is germinalting that would make the ph fluctuate and trustt me PH can be a big issue with seedlings it can lock out important nutrients , i would just get some big buckets dig a hole put the bucet in fill with soil and orgainc materal, or if your using fround soil, test the PH of it first if it is too low add some lime, then plant them , youll also need to fertlize thought the plants life (trusting the soil is highly inorgainic)


Well-Known Member
I have NEVER grown before but I have read a crap load about it so far.

I have a mm card but I cant grow at home and I still want to be able to grow. So my only option left is to grow in the wild.

Here's the deal.

In So Cal... coastal area
It gets as low as 50 degrees upwards of 70 right now.
Sun rises at 6 sets at 4:45. Out of direct sunlight at 2pm at the spot I have chosen.
I can water it nightly.
I DO NOT want to add a bunch of crazy nutrients and do a bunch of weird shit to the plant as its growing.

My goal is to grow a couple plants with minimalist care. That means I go out and water only as needed(still haven't read how much I should be watering the guys... daily?) One thing is for sure I am ONLY watering at night.

Here are my questions.

1. What should I put in the ground?

So far I am thinking walk over turn the soil a few times. Make sure leaves and what not get down in there for good retention of water. Put in a few banana peels. and since I want 2 plants... I am gonna put 5 seeds in the ground... I do not want to germinate them I want to see if they sprout all by themselves. Going to water the ground for a week before I put the seeds in the ground. I understand mj plants get kinda big outdoors :P if they stay healthy so I am going to put it right next to another big green bush that's already there so its not as noticeable out of nowhere...

2. Can i simply do tap water or MUST i do distilled water?

It does not rain enough in so cal... so I must water nightly... that should not be a problem however.

Is it retarded to plant the seeds now or is there a decent chance they will survive?

Any advice is recommended....

Marijuana is a flipping WEED that's why i m thinking I SHOULD be able to toss the seeds in the ground with some banana peels and some water and watch a bush form. But you guys are the experts... We shall see. Thanks in advance happy highs, stay away from the lows.bongsmilie
1) Planting 5 seeds is a good idea... as you'll probably end up w/ a couple males... Great idea locating near another larger bush... Pick something that doesn't change color and stays green throughout the year... makes it harder to spot your babies.... I'd turn the soil about 3-4 times... add some perilite into the soil each time i mix it... bat guano, blood meal, etc.. wouldn't be a bad idea either, while your turning the soil that is...

2) I've never had any real side effects from using tap water in my previous outdoor endevours... I would just fill up a 5 gallon water jug, (or 2,3,4).... leave the cap off and let it sit for 24-48 (i went for closer to 48), for most the chlorine and the bad shit to get out of it... You may notice some of very lower bottom leaves yellowing and dieing off... but other than that, i never had much of a problem... Depends on your tap waters pH though... you may need to use some pH down to get it to a reasonable range... Distilled water is cheap though and you have a smaller grow, so you could really go either way...

Watering everyday.... BAD IDEA.... just give them a real good watering every 2-5 days... if the top of the soil is hard and crusty, it's time to water.. You will struggle if you water everyday... trust me, i learned from experience... 2 outdoor crops watering everyday... wondering what the hell i was doing wrong...

The problem you have.... you're only getting 10 hrs 45 mins of light... That's fine if you're using an auto flowering strain, but it will be impossible to veg the plant outside w/ that much lighting... So you've really got these options...

1) Veg them indoors... until they are about a month old... They won't be that big and won't even smell much AT ALL... At that time, you'd move them out to your location and start flowering... the 10 hr 45 min light / 13 hr 15 min dark cycle is going to make them FLOWER REALLY QUICK!!! you might not end up w/ a huge yield, but they will definetely finish fast... depending on strain (indica/sativa), maybe even at 6 weeks...

2) Wait til April and start the grow outside.... from seed/sprout....

Either way you choose... good luck to you.... and happy tokin!! :bigjoint:
Yeah Spred them out for sure! I would get some compost and manure and bring it out there and mix it in with the soil and maby some perlite to help hold water if the soil is kinda sandy. Plant 5 plants for the bugs 5 for the pigs and 5 for yourself thats what I go by! Happy grow man!


Well-Known Member
make sure you dont have holes in the ground filled with perlite/soil without covering it because perlite doesnt look natural at all and will stick out far away ,and bringing in manure and other soil addatives will attract animals .


Active Member
One word


It is a beneficial bacterial fungus that attaches itself to the roots, and increases nutrient uptake 10x-100x. It is natural, Organic, and a natural defense to other harmful bacteria that could be liviing underground. It creates an extremely large, healthy root system (Bigger roots=BIGGER plants)

What I suggest is 1. Find a really dense thicket and cut yourself a path at about rabbit height. When you cut deep enough into the thicket (you should be on your hands and knees as you crawl through, clear a small circle or terrace. Dig large holes and fill them with nice, loamy soil. If the soil there is OK, but not great, you can go and buy some organic soil amendments, and work it into your row or hole. Water with soluble Mycorrhizae, and make sure the thicket is on a south facing hill if you live in the northern hemisphere, as these hills get the most sunlight. (Marijuana loves direct sun.)
I have a spot just like this, in a thicket of plants called French Broom. They are a nitrogen fixer and are really green. Shoot me a personal message if you want some pics of my spot(s) I'm going to be planting in mid march. Organic growing is pretty tough for your first grow. But if you pull it off right, the yield and the taste of your finish product will be unparalleled.

The reason for planting in thickets is:
1 cover/camouflage
2. if its a lush thicket, that means ground water is present (Negating the need to water alot)
3. Protection from larger animals such as deer or elk.
4. Who would think to just randomly walk through a big dense structure of plants! Nobody in their right mind likes to do that. (Well, I love to, but im crazy!) Even better if the plants are thorned, like blackberries.
The only way you are at risk in a thicket is: smalll animals (which you can remedy with hair, urine, garlic, commercial deterent, etc.) and helicopters. If you disguise your plants correctly, the helicopters will have a hard time seeing them. Thats tricky though, because you have to blend your plants into the bushes. without exposing ground. You can also grow on ecosystem borders (such as when forest turns into meadow.) if you grow on the edge of a forest, you can blend really nice from above, but your at risk from animals.
Good luck this spring! I hope everything works out for you!

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
I would recommend starting your seeds indoor than setting them out after they have a few nodes on them. that way you don't waste your seeds. lost many of seeds trying to start them in a guerilla grow.
Here's what I plan on doing. As of right now. based off everyone's help.

1. Start immediately and risk it. (I am anxious)
2. go out at night and dig a couple feet down and check out the soils quality.
3. instead of perilite just make sure the mulch on top (there is ALOT of it) gets mixed in well with the soil.
-POSSIBLY buy some (Mycorrhizae)
- add bannana peels
- add dog shit
-mix it all up good 2 by 2 feet per seed
4. Going to go to the mexican shop grab me some limes and squeeze em over my planting areas. Will then water with tap water that has been sitting out for 3 days.
5. Germinate indoors a day before the week of watering the ground is up.
6. Plant the seeds about 3 feet away from one another surrounding already existing big green bush.
7, water every 3 days or so
8. Harvest when the plants are ready.

BTW This being my first grow. I want seeds so male plants growing next to the females is fine. I understand there will be less bud but 50 seeds to me means 25 more plants in the future... :P

Like I said I don't want to do a crap load of work the goal is to be very minimalist... I MIGHT add some dead fish to the soil but this is a maybe... Not sure if I will really need to if I just add dog shit...

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
lime from lime juice? lol I don't think that is the kind of lime your looking for, lmfao, also I wouldn't use the dogshit :lol:
Dude I am brand flippin new. I dont know what kinda lime people are speakin of on this site. Hell you could be speaking of 7 up for all I know. haha this is why I ask questions and posts my dumb plans so people can tell me hey "dog shit is a bad idea" lol

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
use chickenshit, it's very cheap source of N. dogshit is not good fertilizer, not for MJ anyways. you need the lime from the garden area. it's white powder:D
Chicken shit would be a prob for me because I have no chickens nore access to any... If I didn't use any shit would it really be a huge deal?

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
umm, if your soil is fertile, you don't need it. a dead fish at the bottom of the holes is a wonderful idea though, the banana peels don't hurt either.