guerrilla growing


Well-Known Member
Can you share some in depth info and techniques for guerrilla growing, what personally works for you? Most of the guerrilla guides on the net are just a overview.. I want some info/tips and trick from the pros. I will be buying browndirts video, but i still would like some info on this from you guys!!! thanks
-plant numbers( in one group)
-feeding/planting methods
-tools for the grow
-some stealth tips
-how to carry the bud out(large scale)
-how many strains(1-2 or more)

any input on this would be great!!


Well-Known Member
Think on over to Outdoor Growing and do some research.

Good luck, better hurry tho, you'll need to start planting in 9 months, you're running out of time. :D


Active Member
Make sure the land you use is not owned by anyone but the state or province. Cut a holee in the bottom of your very large pot and put cardboard there so the plant cant penetate the the lower soil.


Well-Known Member
Make sure the land you use is not owned by anyone but the state or province. Cut a holee in the bottom of your very large pot and put cardboard there so the plant cant penetate the the lower soil.
I've heard the opposite. Growing on federal land makes it more of a severe punishment if caught. Plus they don't need a search warrant. Or so I've heard.


Well-Known Member
unless ur in the south u might not get much but feel u i'm throwin out a prayer 2 morrow since we stay above 50 where i am
use semi private land that has good coverage and u ca take fifferent routes to get there
plant in grassy area 2 ensure good soil
how many r u plannin on puttin out?


Well-Known Member
I've grown outdoors once its great i love it until you dont find a good spot and all 14 of your beautiful females get stolen
so i stress to find a good spot you can start lookin now
remember if all you do is bitch about how hard the spot is to get to then it is perfect

never follow the same path to get there because it creates a trail little shits in the woods will follow this and steal them

also use 5 gallon buckets so you can move them in an emergency but dig holes for the pots cuz bright colors stick out like a bitch
eave your supplies out there so you dont carry ferts out there and get caught red handed
have multiple grow spots
have water nearby
have a partner that you can trust and doesnt brag cuz if somthin happens and you have to leave town say bye to your babies

i suggest very much to get different strains cuz if you get just one and doesnt do good in your area you are screwed

always have a reason to be where you are in the woods for example: bird watching or lookin for a place to play paintball, depends on your age lol

put a lot of little holes in the bottom of your bucket cuz then you can flush at the end of flowering and it is hard to over water

if you have trouble finding your pot cuz it is such a good spot put lil markers (like a bright piece of cloth) in the trees to lead you there but dont put too many up just a few

if you end up with a lot of pot hire some of your stoner friends to help harvest and just promise a bag of your weed trust me they will be down

well thats just some of my suggestions lmao just ask if you have certain questions im not a horticulture scientist but i can help

also make a grow journal that helps a lot cuz it is like having a 100 grow partners if you give people pics of them then you will get suggestions from some pros in stead of me
