Gummies with shatter

Coconut oil, lecithin(helps mix oil with gelatin), gelatin (or jello) and flavourings if you don’t use Jello. Lots of recipes out there. One small
Pack jello, two small packets gelatin, half a cup of water and a tsp of lecithin. Decarb extract in oil, add to dissolved gelatin and jello, Heat to hot and then pour into moulds. Coat in corn starch
I just dissolve my oil in a table spoon if ever clear and add that to the hot candy mixture. The alcohol evaporates out and leaves the concentrate mixed into the candy. Turn the heat off and pour the candies into molds.
I find apple juice instead of water works best making gummies,also instant clear gel helps alot. Mix oils, your juice and the clear gel before adding lecithin or it will turn out chunky. I use like 3 tablespoons of clear gel or until the mixture turns to almost a solid then add the jello mix. Makes the gummies more tough. Thru trial and error I have created a master gummy recipe for my patients :)
Also I infuse my shatter into coconut oil for 2hrs at 250 Fahrenheit before making gummies with it. I know I know it doesnt need to be reheated after its a concentrated product but I have tried both ways and like the infused oil method much better. Its also easier on the stomach as I make my gummy bears at least 20mg each