Gunned Down Cold In A Raw Deal


Well-Known Member

"If it happened the way the young people said it happened, he's on his stomach, his hands pulled up behind his back, he's compliant, the officer is standing over him and all of a sudden he shoots," Burris said. "The bullet went through his lower back, hit the ground and ricocheted through the upper part of his body."
The witnesses told him police handcuffed Grant after he was shot, but removed the cuffs just before news reporters arrived, Burris said. No weapons were found on Grant or anyone else involved in the altercation on the train.


Well-Known Member
wtf fuck that shit thats why guns should just go away ...........and we should all just carry big ass sticks


Well-Known Member
This is a situation where if I was in anyway related to the man killed, I would find that officer, hogtie him, and kill him the exact same way. Maybe it was an accident, though.


Well-Known Member
they are saying he may have thought he was grabbing his tazer. the cop put both hands to his head them bent to his knees as soon as it happened. kinda like "oh sh*t!". hella sad. in front of everyone. :(

cops need to go away. :cuss:


Well-Known Member
that guy had a little kid.......not only did a gun ruin his life.......but it did that little kids to.......very sad indeed


Well-Known Member
they are saying he may have thought he was grabbing his tazer. the cop put both hands to his head them bent to his knees as soon as it happened. kinda like "oh sh*t!". hella sad. in front of everyone. :(

cops need to go away. :cuss:
Damn I feel terrible for the officer. The kid and his family too, but still... the cop will never get that moment out of his head.
Should have been more careful with a very deadly weapon.


Well-Known Member
well the autopsy could clarify the position of his arms when the bullet came through his chest...


Well-Known Member
well the autopsy could clarify the position of his arms when the bullet came through his chest...
what? there are at least 2 videos of the whole thing. there could be more. not much to clarify. other than "why?".


Well-Known Member
Sorry this has to be said.

Anyway this is the reason why they shouldn't have guns, so fuckup cops cant unleash there fury like that.



Well-Known Member
Cops do have strict safety rules they're trained to follow so there's no way the gun went off accidently. The cop ruined the guy's and his kids life. Cops ruin a lot of people's lives.

I'm with FDD on this one, cops need to go away.


at first when i saw the title i thought fdd started a slayer thread but WTF?
a similar thing happened to my buddy cops went to his house because he was being loud. my friend goes in his house to avoid them and they shoot him in his house. a neighbou was looking in through a window and testified, his mom sued the shit out of the police.and won.


Well-Known Member
Don't be attacking guns here. Its not the gun's fault that it was discharged and killed the dude. For all you anti-gun people with the illogical assumption that anti-gun laws will eliminate guns from the streets are sadly mistaken. Guns are today's swords. Making a law forbidding it won't make them go away, like that would be the only law criminals would honor. Get real.

It is police authority that needs a revamp.

The problem is that society is becoming more and more dependent on laws conceived to protect themselves, when before it was a matter of personal responsibility and defense that guarded you. There are less deaths by guns when everyone was walking around with one. Now you may not defend yourself, but instead call the police and be completely helpless. What a naive era.


Well-Known Member
what im wondering is when cops forgot the whole "protect and serve" motto. I do not see cops as a welcomed site in any scenario and thats just sad