guru help needed with closet grow and stunted lady?pics added


Active Member
hi guys, heres the set up.
90w led lighthouse 6 band, 4 23w cfls and one heat bulb for temps.
all plants are in large pots with regular soil and perlite, mostly using biobizz bloom nutes but just bought some grow aswell as was told to use every 3rd watering.
the plants are bagseed from blue cheese weed and have 3 growing, 2 are doing ok, well one is doing ok 1 has crippled leaves and one just stopped flowering.
the bad plant first
the plants seemed to be slowing a bit so i flushed the three plants with tap water and then deionized water, i then put them all into warm room and the other two kept on growing fine but this one seemed to always be heavy in its pot. since then it just has not continued to flower for some reason. the buds on the other 2 plants are huge compared to this girl so i flushed her again tonight and noticed the water was taking a long long time to run through( flushed with ph 6.5 tap water), so i put a coat hanger up its hole and the water came pissing out, i have not added any nutes and have just left it in warm room to drain. do you think there was no drainage and this stunted growth or could it be something else causing probs, it was getting a bit cold during day in grow closet so i added heater, on a night(there light) its a constant 20c- 21c.
the second plant with bent leaves
this plant has been doing fine and im not overwatering it as last night i only noticed it was very light in its pot so gave it a watering then, about 300 mls. im using an ink refill syringe to water the plants. some of the leaf tips are going a bit brown and curling under a bit and the larger fan leaves at the bottom have now mostly given up the ghost so i have removed one set. the plants are now into there 4th week in flower, they wer planted in seed on the 8th of sept.
i hope somebody has an idea of whats going on as it has got me boggled, i have today bought a ph buffer kit so all future waterings will be 6.5 as i had noticed with the ph tester that the soil ph when watered was nearly 7. when soil was dry i found it harder to get a reading. i have a soiol testing kit but they are crap!
thanks in advance to anyone who can help and please dont just write here to slag the LED`S. They do seem to be growing the 2 bigger plants quite well, as they arent doing too badly, prob me just an idiot. by the way its my first grow so be GENTLE!
sorry for such long post!


Active Member
i went out today and got some epsom salts, from what ive read it may a magnesium defiency for the tips problem so should i go ahead and use that.
for the plant that was flushed i read the ph meter after fushing and it said the soil was 6.2 so shall i wait now for a while before adding any nutes and what should i use the bio grow first or straight into bio bloom or both.
any opinions people!
chhers in advance