Guys please help me!?!?!?


I have been using flora trio hydrophonics fertilizers light feedings with ph water in between had them under a 45watt led they where strong moved them under 2 300w maxisun led grow lights and this is what happen the next day stalks purple and leaves droopy I been using Epsom salt not alot though bu5 enough but still looks like magnesium with the green vains y'all tell me i have three fans blowing at roots area light area I just don't get it



Well-Known Member
I have been using flora trio hydrophonics fertilizers light feedings with ph water in between had them under a 45watt led they where strong moved them under 2 300w maxisun led grow lights and this is what happen the next day stalks purple and leaves droopy I been using Epsom salt not alot though bu5 enough but still looks like magnesium with the green vains y'all tell me i have three fans blowing at roots area light area I just don't get it
Did you scoop that dirt up from your yard?


Well-Known Member
Also is the ph the runoff or are you checking the soils ph and if so what are you using to check it?


Ph meter before water ppm run off is between 850 and 950 they are 3 months old... dirt is un fertilized Canadian dirt my fam jam sends to me???????


Well-Known Member
It doesn't I need to invest in better soil but it kinda hard to get the good stuff around here I need to order some any suggestions
Depending on where your at either build your own or you can get kind soil. I’d simply build my own. When I’m waiting for new soil I use dairy doo soil which is local to Michigan.


Depending on where your at either build your own or you can get kind soil. I’d simply build my own. When I’m waiting for new soil I use dairy doo soil which is local to Michigan.
Well I added 6ml per gallon of micro grow and bloom and added Epsom salt well post how the ladies look in a week


I did that and they actually look a little better my other is in a 5 gallon pot and is stuck on its 3rd node smh

Chris Edward

Well-Known Member
It doesn't I need to invest in better soil but it kinda hard to get the good stuff around here I need to order some any suggestions
If you are having trouble getting good soil, then ditch the soil and move to media.
A good self contained Dutch bucket system won't cost you much and it will solve your soil issues.
You can use either perlite or hydroton as the media.
Here's a link to a guy who used to post some decent videos on the topic.
He grows tomatoes but the same general idea is used for cannabis.

Also, ditch that flora crap and get yourself some decent commercial fertilizer with micro nutrients, the same guy in the video above suggests a good fertilizer to use.
Not only will it be much cheaper, but you will have more control over what's going on with your plants, so when the SHTF you will be able to diagnose a lot easier.

To be honest, at 3 months you should be either completing the second week of flushing or getting close to starting a two week flush period (if you want to flush) and looking forward to a harvest date.
When did you move the plants from the 45 watt light?
Because it sounds like the plant went from not enough light to a lot and this may have caused it to go into shock.

Have you grown this strain before because purple on the branches and stems of leaves may be a genetic trait and nothing to be worried about. I have one strain that is like this.

How much Epsom salt are you adding?

Also are you adding any cal/mag?
This is really boosts growth.
Don't buy that watered down botanicare crap, buy a bag of calcium nitrate (if you don't want to buy 50 pounds look on eBay for smaller quantities) and mix your own, it is so much cheaper.

Sorry if I sound angry or like a jerk, this industry is just filled with so many junk products and people just keep clinging to them...

Good luck on your plant, don't let people tell you it's a lost cause, it isn't. The worst that will happen is that your harvest will suffer a bit, but keep growing it so you can take clones for an even better grow next time.

Chris Edward

Well-Known Member
I just noticed your last post, the plants look like they need some nitrogen.
If the bottom leaves begin to turn brown, this is the plant robbing nitrogen from lower leaves to feed newer leaves.
Either that or your soil is too dense and what you are seeing is the beginning of root rot, which can also look like a nitrogen deficiency in the beginning stages.
If I were to grow in soil, I would add trichoderma, just as an insurance policy against root rot.

You can still add it but it takes a few weeks to take hold, so it may be too late by then.
Root rot is slow at first, then later it kills PDQ...

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Probably just stress from switching from such low level of light to a much higher level of light.
Maybe use one light until they get used to it then raise and add your second, lower when plants are happy and healthy again.
Magnesium def should start lower, not on the highest growth, its a mobile nutrient.
Light burn has some similarities in appearance, can cause that droop but it starts closest to the light and progresses downward.