GYMRATjoos' First GROW LOG(White Castle & Aurora)


Hey fellow growers,

Just getting into growing and really love it. Ive started small with cfl and am still learning everyday. This grow log is going to include everything i can fit in without over doing it.

In this grow i chose Nirvana's Feminized White Castle and Aurora, also Blue Dream seed was given by a friend from a bag of chronic he got so Im making more :weed:. Not only did they get great reviews, they also yield very well. To some thats $$. To others its FREEE SMOKE! So excuse me if I want to make everything perfect for these ladies.

Medium: Organic Soil from Home Depot
Lighting: (currently, may change during grow)
6 x 68 watt
2 x 42 watt
6 x 26 watt( 6 on standby)

Nutrients: General
Container: 5 gallon home depot buckets "THE BEST"
Ventilation: Bathroom ventilator fan, and for now one speed fan for cooling.

For this grow Im NOT testing PH levels because I want to do an experiment and plus I have plenty of time to get it right and want to see the difference between testing and not testing. So please refrain from asking me "DID YOU TEST THE PH?" :clap:

I put up mylar just the other day and the seeds popped 3 days ago today, and growing pretty quickly from what ive noticed.
Lets add some pics to show you guys what im working with setup wise and also how the ladies look .




White Castle:
Blue Dream

68 watt bulbs im using

Some questions I have related to cloning, flowering.

On clones, I believe it would be ideal to start cloning a day more than a week after the plants are forced into flowering.
First things first, I am new to growing so im also new to cloning..the research ive done doesnt seem like its very hard just need to have the right ingredients:-P
Would it be best to spend the money and get a Cloner system online? or build one? I am handy and have materials near by...just in case.
How long does it take to start rooting? after they root how long till you can force them to flower? I hear this is the way to do it once your started?
Do mother plants need amazing lighting?

Well This is Day 3 guys and gals....sorry started this log late didnt know if i was going to do one or not.
Will update everyday with progress, progress photos will also accompany updates:-P

Thanks and your all welcome to send some advice, post , and of course FOLLOW My LOG :clap:


Well-Known Member
Hey man, welcome to RIU.

Love the setup, CFLs all the way. Blue Dream is some bomb bomb for sure, hopefully that turns out well.

I use those exact same bulbs in my grow as well. How much you get yours for because I remember them being $15 but now when I look online they are $30. It might have been a sale I have no idea.

I don't know a ton about cloning but I know you can use you're basic CFLs for your mothers, around 150 watts would be sufficient. For the cloning system I'd say build your own, I like making all my own things as well and it will save you a ton of money. Might not look sleek and pretty but if it gets the job done. For rooting, I hear they take 2 weeks to establish roots and we used powder when I study Horticulture and worked better then gel. (Note I don't know a lot about the rooting part, it may be right or wrong)

Going to sub to this thread for sure. Remember the more pictures the better, we love 'em around here.



thanks fellas, IM truly excited for the grow!! @alldaytoker 15$ i think is what was on the price tag, they are awesome but extremely big. I will be getting more if i need it but dont think i will since they give off 360 deg of light so with 6 i think ill be okay. May have to get a few more 150watt/42watt though.

So root powder is best good deal, I think i might make my own i like making my own things too, not only is it fun an rewarding when project is complete but it does save you money fo sho!
2 weeks wow! thats like please dont die mode for 14 days lol!

HOW LONG after the root can you start them into flower?

@rebelfied thanks it was fun to make, had all materials used lying around or just going to walmart or home depot...quick n painless

they are going into flower on like day 17 as long as veg looks look healthy.


Well-Known Member
Thats what I did, I use what I have at hand. I only buy my cfls from Walmart most of the time as HD is a little overpriced on most of their stuffz, screw lowes. Ready to see these start flowering already lol.

Also, I rarely check my ph in my water as well. I fill my gallon jugs and let the sit in a pretty warm area for around 12 hrs and then move to a dark corner for another 12-16hrs and then its ready to go.

Oh and I updated my grow as well. Ended up throwing out a couple of mine :(


@rebelfied yea same here just let the water evaporate and off gas, goood to go! There getting bigger staying healthy green so far ,

Setup is BEAST! The pic of the hood is upside down i dont know how to rotate it sorry guys:wall: well it is also reflective :-P

Blue dream growing second set of leaves hopefully by saturday next week they will be ready to throw into flower? if not i will wait 3 weeks but would really like to get these girls on 12/12!! Like you said @rebelfied wish they were flowering already :hump:

if any of you are wondering what the bowl in the pic that pot the seedling looks a little slooooow and plus IVE NOTICED FRUIT FLYS OR GNATS ON THE SOIL....So FML! I looked up homemade remedy with apple cider vinegar and dish soap to create a living breathing fruit fly fcuking killing machine TRAP of some sort....hope it works other wise im going to blow dart every one of those 1mm fcuks!:fire:


Okay on clones....I have done retarted amount of research and decided to build my own and it will only cost me $45 to do it....this guy gives an amazing tutorial on how to build it step by step with specific details bc amazing people do that just wanted to add this bc he deserves the credit! video is at the end of shopping list enjoy! I sure did!


ok the ladies are looking healthy , and the gnats or small flies whatever they were are Fucked now cuz i put sand on top of the soil so larva cant borrow out! and its just play sand and wont harm the plant its only like 2 in above soil...keeps plants cooler with these hot cfl's! plus put sticky paper out and have caught the rest of the cousins...hide yo kids, hide yo wife!!

growth looks solid on the white castles, blue dream has taken off in the 3 gallon pot, and 2 of the 4 auroras are vegging nicely. one more week of veg and these ladies are going 12/12 friday or saturday night!!!
pics up soon no reason to show you more seedling pics! they look like small vegging plants lol!


Well-Known Member
Lets see them pics!! Mine are starting their second week(todaY) of 12/12. Hoping to see signs of sex soon!


okay so I believe im on day 13 from seed!! cant wait to throw these babies into 12/12 friday!! then 1 week after that start taking some clones. I just about have all the parts to build the aero cloner. I also just recently bought 2 30 gallon tubs to start a grow tent/aeroponic/dwc grow. Just the basics for now after the tent, 1000 watt hps air cooled hood , inline fans and filters, then i might pick up another 1000 watt hps, a light mover, and co2 tank which is crazy $$$$$$$$$$$ expensive:wall::spew:im only running 12 plants under the 1000 watt hps so will see how that grow goes when all the parts come in for that.....but for now those are in the making


Setup was raised a few inches as I thought they might have been too close to the girls :sad: Also, put play sand on the top of the soil and sticky paper on the edges to get rid of those dam fruit flys or gnats or fungus flys or whatever those little fricken flys were chilling on the top of the soil !


These Aurora's are really taken off !



The Blue Dream is growing nicely and I think im going to keep her in that 3 gallon pot and let it get fat ?

The White Castle's are growing a little behind the Aurora's but they still look healthy I think.

As stated before about to throw them into 12/12 this FRIDAY , does anyone think I should let them grow a little more? Kind of on a scheduled experiment....ugh fricken hate this!
I think they will be fine at 3-4 more days of growth but what would i know, im new! THANKS SUBSCRIBERS!!


Well-Known Member
Yes keeping 5g for flowering . This Friday they go 12/12.
Alright. How tall you plan on having them. General rule of thumb for CFLs is to keep the plant under 20in because of them not having the pentration power as a HPS. In my experience 15in max plants work perfect. If you go with taller plants that means more CFLs to surround the whole plant, to make sure the ENTIRE plant is getting the lumens it needs.




Ok so ladies were given plain water yesterday and nothing today about 1q each . I wanted to throw something at you guys... I am going to repot blue dream into a 5g also and take 4 runts out of this and throw them into the clone closet for another 2 week veg and tie them down? Then put them into flower 12/12 so they are a little behind the others and will still be budding when I take the others out and then throw clones in their place to start it all over again ;) I think by doing this it will yield me more per plant without the penetration of hps like stated above so it's better bang and harvest is continuous. On phone will post pics in a sec



Ok so all cloner parts are here and are 90% assembled, i am starting 10 slots and will order 10 more in the near future to fill up the middle,

Thats what you see here is the neoprene inserts pretending to be net pots so you guys understand my thinking.

Wider pic of the closet where the cloner is in....and the other 4 plants will be for the time being....

Aurora really looking good on day 15 from seed.

White Castle behind a little but still looking good.

Blue Dream oh I cant wait to smoke you! She and Aurora's are veg racing!

Well heres the pics i promised and these ladies are looking great! Tomorrow is set for 12/12 . Growing 5 total plants now instead of the 9 I had before. more lumens for less plants equals a little more bud ill take it!!!!!!!!

What do you guys think will be ample time to let the other 4 runts veg for so i can have a continuous harvest every 3 weeks to a month? Bc after these runts go in the clones will be ready to go flower too....PLUS I SHOULD HAVE MY GROW TENT AND 1000 watt hps light with complete ventilation and filter by then so im sure ill be running 2 flower rooms hps and cfl.....or i just might keep cfl at set up for veg/clones? idk man so much one can do with extra parts and pieces just want to make sure its used efficiently .



Well Plants are 1 day into flower and still look the same, @alldaytoker I Flowered them on track like you said to stay on schedule plus they will triple in height further along into flowering from what ive read these strains besides the blue dream should veg 2 weeks 3 weeks max! So id rather go with 2 weeks and have the best bang for the plant! to stay at 20 in or under with cfl like ADT said I believe is true due to the penetration light that cfl put off isnt as great as hps so, I am taking 2 of each strain out "the runts" are in the clone/mother room to veg for another week for me to experiment on whats best with these strains 2 or 3 weeks plus kinda inputs a perpetual harvest since i will be flowering with 2 different systems and also putting plants in flowering on the day of the start of the 3rd week I believe ill have plants at diffrerent stages of flowering and dont mind that as long as my hanging lights can effeciently penetrate them no pun intended with enough lumens to bud healthy before it goes under more lumens......

2 pics here

Heres the 5 in the cfl system i built


Aurora before going into flower, not that big but in order to put them into flower and keep shorter they went early prolly could of waited 3-4 more days to have better growth but as i stated before this is my first grow and have to figure plants out for myself .....enjoy RIU I will be updating everyday as our journey unravels!

Dunno how this pic got here was uploaded for the aero/hydro build im building....



Well-Known Member
Looks awesome bro!! I finally was flashed today by the little ladies!! All six of my bagseeds are female lol...couldnt believe it!