H202 - Hydrogen Peroxide


Can someone give me a little advice on how to use this stuff?

I am doing a soil/compost grow and have seen H202 can help increase the oxygen in my soil, help with any diseases and in some cases can even increase yield?

I am after some instructions if using the 35% H202 Food Grade version?

I want to use this as part of a more regular feed... Maybe once a week, once every 2 weeks? I rly dont know....

So when using H202, how often can I feed it to my plants and how much each time?

Also, how long will I need to stop using it before I harvest?

Thanks for the help.


Well-Known Member
No help here, as I don't know anything about using H2O2 for root aeration, as my school of thought is, if you have great soil, great drainage and the roots aren't flooded at all times , then the roots should be getting all the air they need.
Looking forward to see what kind of answers you get and hopefully I'll learn something I didn't know before.