H2O2 1 Question


Active Member
I am using 3% H202 and I am wondering what the ratio should be in my 15 gallon reservoir. I am using it for its anti-bacterial/microbial benefits.

Thanks in advance.

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
I use 3 [FONT=&quot]ml's per liter (2 1\2 tsp. Per gallon). I add it every other change and I have had no problems with that amount.



Look up Hygrozyme guys. This is the master medicine for root sickness. About a Two Shot Glasses worth in a 5 Gal works to kill bacteria on contact and acts as a stimulator for roots growing in water with high temps


Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
That stuff's almost acid if it's a high enough molarity...be careful with anything close to 30% :) thanks for the site though
WORD ON THE CAN BURN YOU! Most buy the high % and then dilute it to 3%. For the cost of the higher % H202, you will get WAY MORE 3% for your money than if you just buy it in 3% bottles. It all factors down to cost per ounce/gal/liter.


Fuck hydrozyme!!!!! I tried that shit for weeks and it made my root rot much worse!!! It goes bad before it gets off the grow shops shelf, it has all the stuff in it that causes root rot so i dont know how its supposed to fix it?

strictly seedleSs

Well-Known Member
Fuck hydrozyme!!!!! I tried that shit for weeks and it made my root rot much worse!!! It goes bad before it gets off the grow shops shelf, it has all the stuff in it that causes root rot so i dont know how its supposed to fix it?
Hygrozyme doesnty use bacteria so it doesnt go bad that quick....."It is bacteria free meaning that it has virtually unlimited shelf life" - straight from hygrozyme themselves.....dont go posting bad info just because you couldnt use the stuff. Its pricey, but so is a bad root system.


OMG ARE YOU KIDDING? OF COURSE THATS WHAT HYDROZYME WOULD SAY SO YOU BY THEIR STUFF DUDE, IT SMELLS LIKE WINE WHEN I OPENED IT THE FIRST TIME AND HAS GOTTEN WAY WORSE, I FOLLOWED THE DIRECTIONS PERFECT AND TRIED MANY OF MY OWN WAYS AND EVERYTIME I PUT IT IN MY RES THE NEXT MORNING IT WAS FOAMY AND THE ROOTS WERE SLIMY IT WAS THE HYDROZYME CAUSE I STOP USING IT AND SINCE THE DAY I TOOK IT OUT MY ROOTS HAVNT SLIMED UP, SO YES HYDROZYME DOESNT HELP AT ALL WITH ROOT ROT IN A DWC SYSTEM, MABEY ITS GOOD FOR SOMETHING ELSE, BUT NOT DWC, I TRIED IT FOR 2 MONTHS OR MORE WITH NO SUCCESS AT ALL SO I HAVE USED IT PLENTY, I DIDNT SAY IT HAD BACTERIA IN IT, JUST BAD STUFF THAT CAUSES WHAT YOUR TRYING TO FIX, 8 DOLLARS FOR 29%H202 AND MY SHIT LOOKS LIKE NEW EVERYTIME I OPEN THE RES..Roots exposed to oxygen usually have no anerobic bacteria in close proximity. So what. Both anerobic and oxygen loving bacteria eat only the putrefied roots that are the result of root rot. They do not cause root rot. All water and soil not containing disinfectants have bacteria and enzymes present that cause the putrefication of dead roots. This putrefication of dead roots is root rot. IE when you buy things like Hygrozyme you are buying bacteria and enzymes that cause root rot as well as the aerobic bacteria and enzymes that convert the rotted roots into nitrate fertilizer. Hygrozyme fails to tell anyone this. It is hard to decptively cause people to believe Hygroxzyme prevents or cures root rot when it actually supplies in large numbers the bacteria that also cause root rot when dead roots are present. They also fail to tell you the bacteria and enzymes are naturally present in soils and water not containing disinfectants. You are just paying to get a higher concentration of the bacteria and enzymes that quickly die to normal minimal levels due to a lack of food in a chemical nutrient system. They have food only when roots start dieing or in a organic nutrient reservoir or a soil system. where they are already at high levels without hygrozyme being added. Deceptive advertising on their behalf. These supplied enxymes grow and multiplty rapidly with dead roots present as a food source and these are circulated through out the system in a recirculating reservoir. Algae require light to grow.


Well-Known Member
Enzymes have their place, even in DWC. Lets say you successfully run a sterile res with no bacteria eating the dead roots, after a while the dead material builds up, invites root rot, and takes up space. Enzymes can break them down and turn them into food. Enzymes are also useful for cleaning up used media like co-co when the grow is done. Enzymes are not alive, they are a natural by-product of bacteria. So you are buying the good stuff bacteria make without the microbes themselves. In the sense that enzymes can help keep a clean root system, it helps to prevent root rot, but preventing root rot is entirely different than curing it. I would never agree with the statement that enzymes are a master medicine for root disease. It is important to know which type of root problem you have before using them, as like dipstick said, they can make some problems extremely worse very quickly. Some microbes love the 'food' that the dead roots get turned into. It is also not uncommon to hear of people getting 'bad' bottles of hygrozyme. I don't know if this has anything to do with the shelf life, inconsistency of the product, or different application methods.


New Member
OMG ARE YOU KIDDING? OF COURSE THATS WHAT HYDROZYME WOULD SAY SO YOU BY THEIR STUFF DUDE, IT SMELLS LIKE WINE WHEN I OPENED IT THE FIRST TIME AND HAS GOTTEN WAY WORSE, I FOLLOWED THE DIRECTIONS PERFECT AND TRIED MANY OF MY OWN WAYS AND EVERYTIME I PUT IT IN MY RES THE NEXT MORNING IT WAS FOAMY AND THE ROOTS WERE SLIMY IT WAS THE HYDROZYME CAUSE I STOP USING IT AND SINCE THE DAY I TOOK IT OUT MY ROOTS HAVNT SLIMED UP, SO YES HYDROZYME DOESNT HELP AT ALL WITH ROOT ROT IN A DWC SYSTEM, MABEY ITS GOOD FOR SOMETHING ELSE, BUT NOT DWC, I TRIED IT FOR 2 MONTHS OR MORE WITH NO SUCCESS AT ALL SO I HAVE USED IT PLENTY, I DIDNT SAY IT HAD BACTERIA IN IT, JUST BAD STUFF THAT CAUSES WHAT YOUR TRYING TO FIX, 8 DOLLARS FOR 29%H202 AND MY SHIT LOOKS LIKE NEW EVERYTIME I OPEN THE RES..Roots exposed to oxygen usually have no anerobic bacteria in close proximity. So what. Both anerobic and oxygen loving bacteria eat only the putrefied roots that are the result of root rot. They do not cause root rot. All water and soil not containing disinfectants have bacteria and enzymes present that cause the putrefication of dead roots. This putrefication of dead roots is root rot. IE when you buy things like Hygrozyme you are buying bacteria and enzymes that cause root rot as well as the aerobic bacteria and enzymes that convert the rotted roots into nitrate fertilizer. Hygrozyme fails to tell anyone this. It is hard to decptively cause people to believe Hygroxzyme prevents or cures root rot when it actually supplies in large numbers the bacteria that also cause root rot when dead roots are present. They also fail to tell you the bacteria and enzymes are naturally present in soils and water not containing disinfectants. You are just paying to get a higher concentration of the bacteria and enzymes that quickly die to normal minimal levels due to a lack of food in a chemical nutrient system. They have food only when roots start dieing or in a organic nutrient reservoir or a soil system. where they are already at high levels without hygrozyme being added. Deceptive advertising on their behalf. These supplied enxymes grow and multiplty rapidly with dead roots present as a food source and these are circulated through out the system in a recirculating reservoir. Algae require light to grow.
Lets see your mongo grow. or are you still at home in the closet?


Active Member
IE when you buy things like Hygrozyme you are buying bacteria and enzymes that cause root rot as well as the aerobic bacteria and enzymes that convert the rotted roots into nitrate fertilizer. Hygrozyme fails to tell anyone this...... These supplied enxymes grow and multiplty rapidly with dead roots present as a food source and these are circulated through out the system in a recirculating reservoir. Algae require light to grow.
actually dude, the enzyme will do the same exact job that the enzymes in our body convert meat, veggies, etc. into food... in order for them to do harmful things to the ecosystem is if one of their bioproducts in metabolism was harmful to plants. however, these companies probably take these pathways into account when making a product, thats why they will research and come up with something that uses the "toxin" into something that the plant can use.