Hanging to dry


Active Member
I never worry about that really....perhaps I should.

I just hang'em up, check in 3 days or so (who am I kidding, i'm down there about every 6 hours looking at them) and when the stem BENDS but doesn't snap....and the feel a lil' crunchy on the outside....I jar them up!

Stick a caliber III in the jar and burp til 50-60%RH. Let it sit for weeks and then enjoy all the hard work and patience!

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
You need the temp under 80, 70 is great. Humidity as low as you can get it unless you're in the desert. When I think they are close I take them down and cut colas up and finish drying on a screen. I might fill a quart jar and add a hygrometer as 840 says now and then to see how they are doing.


Well-Known Member
Humidity is around 50 to 60 and 75 TEMP (I have AC central) its working good for me...If anything over 70, use dehumidier. I have pint dehumidier for 60 dollars, its worth to invest in !