Hard Time Flowering


Hey fellow Greenthumbs, so heres my problem. I've always grown 2 if the same strains I like outdoors and I've never had a problem starting them to flower so I can sex them. Well this year I added 2 more strains to the garden and I just can't get them to start flowering to sex them. The other 2 again no problem. I just hit em with a bit of bloom and they start right away. Well I'm trying Northern Lights and Blueberry as well this time. They're almost 2 ft now, filling out nicely but just won't give any signs to sex no matter how much Bloom I hit em with. It's now the 3rd week of June. Anybody have some advice on how to start them flowering? Better bloom mix, or anything? Any advice would be appreciated. My Timewarp and Rainbow Skunk are flowering nicely. Big bushy females. I like to flower them iver the summer for better, bigger buds ready for harvest sooner.



Well-Known Member
I don't think the bloom nutes really help show seem if they are not showing you on their own you will have to wait till the days get shorter or start bringing them inside to force 12/12


Thanks guys. I'll try the black bag thing. They're growing awsome, filling out nicely but still no signs of sex. It's gona suck to have to cut any males down cause they're looking so good and healthy right now. End of June almost. Keep my fingers crossed!