
DR growgood

Well-Known Member
first off this is my first grow im at day 41 in flower i was hoping some of u pros could tell me whats the best way to harvast i know u have to hang it upside down for seven days but not sure what to do after that. can u smoke it right after u hang it or do u gotta let it cure.i heard rolling it in berlap is good. please help me as i am new. the strain is alaskin thunder fuck and i think it is indica as i am told in day 41 flower i use floragrow seires nutes and molases ill be adding liquid koolblom today. they look amazing so crystally im just starting to get big fat nugs . oh by the way i am growing hydroponicly.


sir smokesalot

Well-Known Member
hang it till the buds start to get crispy on the outside, then chop em off and put them in mason jars in a cool dark place. everyday open them for a little while, i do maybe thirty minutes at a time, this will cure them and let them slowly get their moisture content down. if you leave them out in the open after a while the light and air will degrade the THC.

thats about it

oh and pack the buds in the jar so there is as little air as possible in there