harvest a plant slowly or all at once?


Active Member
hey all. i got i female that has buds on the bottom and the middle which look ready to harvest, while the massive giant cola does not appear to be ready. can i harvest my plant one stalk ata time over a gradual time, er should i wait until the giant top cola is ready and chop her all down then?


Active Member
you can harvest piece by piece..it usually happens the opposite to me ...where the top is ready but not the bottom


Well-Known Member
I've definitely read threads (i.e. Uncle Ben's thread on topping for 4 colas) where it's mentioned that you should harvest progressively.
It seems like proponents of this method shun pre-harvest flushing in order to continue feeding nutrients to the unharvested buds so there is no degradation in bud health during the maturation period.


Well-Known Member
i did it already, top colas were ready, chopped off and moved closer to the light, within 2 weeks i had like a softball size nug at the base of the plant, it like buds ripen bud. its wierd


Active Member
is this true? can we affirm this anybody else?
What do you mean with that?
You're saying "we" rather than "I" because it's "you" who is doubting whatever you've meant. Also treating cheechman as a stranger like someone who doesn't know what's he talking about...
It's not about "true" or "false". If you wanted you could even harvest leafs during the vegetation stage as an example. You can do whatever you like just like chopping just a single branch or even a tiny bud day after day. Danm mate your sentence looks like some kid making a comment on youtube or something like that. I've seen you can do better.
I never cut all at once. Geeze how can someone have time to take care of all at the same time? Someone who doesn't work maybe. After a while my hand hurts coz of the scissors. Depending on the size of the grow I can take one to two weeks to complete harvest. Normally I start cutting earlier to get some time till the cut of the last branch. Hey vncist00 don't get angry with me.. it's just to make the reading/comprehension of questioning better IMHO :)


Well-Known Member

completely unnecessary post Mikos!!



Active Member
wow guys. dont start yellin er nuthin man. lets all just roll a doobie and..... there now thats better. yea i had un ultra growth spurt right at 8 weeks of flowering. thats 10 days after i started adding moab by mad farmer. my top cola totally exploded and is 2 softballs easy and needs support. everything down low is totally ready but i wanna make sure that if i go chopping stuff off, that my beautiful monster cola will still mature normally until the massive growth spurt part ripens


Active Member

so taking off a bud before you harvest doesn't stress the plant enough so that it hurts chemical potency or bud formation?
Or is this unknown as well?