Well-Known Member
Sunday there was a marijuana march to the state capital. Everyone was openly smoking weed, everyone was stoned. The police were laughing the whole thing off basically. It happens every year at the same time. I looked around and saw nothing but smiling faces and everyone grooving and having a good time. Then everyone marched down the street towards the capital. Not only were the police cool as hell, but they blocked off the street from traffic for us. EVERYONE was smoking the whole way down the street and when they saw the cops keeping back traffic for us, everyone was clapping and cheering. Think, when was the last time people cheered for the police? Doesn't happen to often nowadays. Its decriminalized here and the cops have a MUCH better relationship with the public for it. When someone knows the cops don't care about any weed, they are usually a lot more helpful. It just shows how things can move in a positive direction.