Harvest? Now or Later


Active Member
I have been working on 12/12 for about 5 weeks and the white hairs are about 1/2 to 2/3 red or orange, I am not seeing much new growth but some swelling. I will try to take pictures. Should I harvest now or should I expect to see more growth ect. If it is time to harvest how long do I have to flush it with plain water for?


Well-Known Member
Yes, even with a short flowering indica you would have to go at least 7-8 weeks in. But with the hairs mostly all brown, I'd say give it another week or two. Get a magnifier (15x or 30x) which places like Radio Shack carry, and take a little peak at the trichomes.

Cloudy/Reddish = Good
Clear = Underdeveloped