Harvest Question


Active Member
So I started harvesting my female plant at 52 days and have been taking buds mainly from the top down for the last 15 days. I did this because I wanted to monitor the triclomes (sp) and sort of experiment with the strength and potency. Well I've gone from a plant that was a full 50 inches down to a plant that is now 14 inches and still budding and pretty robust.

Because of the length of my harvest period new but very small buds have started to form along the undergrowth.

My question is will these lower newer buds continue to grow and develop and will they still be potent.

The only thing I could think to do to check this was look at the triclomes on various leaves. I still don't think I've ever seen any fully amber triclomes yet and some of the ones on the bottom leaves are actually still clear.

Anyone have any thoughts on my plan to "extend" this harvest by another 15 days or so?


Well-Known Member
I say go for it, if it worked this far, see what happens. You all got the main harvest right? So nothing is lost if it doesn't work. Post the results!!


Well-Known Member
After all the hacking that's been done on it i don't think the bud'll get that big, but who knows, if u wait long enough.... are there still green leaves feeding those buds?


Green Thumb of God
They won't bud well and will give you very little smokeable substance. What you should do is cut off the buds that are developed and throw the plant back in veg for two weeks then re flower it and you will get decent bud again.


Well-Known Member
U should rather Re-Vegg it.. I've seen ppl getting good results doing it...

Those buds just wont be potent enough... neither that big... IMO, u shd re-vegg the plants.. for like 20 days... then flower it again...


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know know if this guy even wants to revegg the plant?
He asked about extending the harvest, i say go for it. And hell, whatever ya' get ya' can still throw in with the hash pile.
If you just wanna get buds to smoke, than probably not gonna get much.

Richjames, I see what your saying. After all that cutting will weaken the plant and slow down the growth rate. You think it will still do that even since he has been working his way down the plant?

I was also curious about this after reading about people taking the cola and waiting another week on the rest of the plant. Heard it actually helps the lowers get bigger, i think.


Active Member
OP here. This plant is actually already a reveg, which by the way for anyone reading this I HIGHLY, HIGHLY, HIGHLY recommend. I started this plant on July 2nd. I harvested it the first time to the tune of about an OZ on Sept. 28th. It had suffered through a serious mite situation and lack of nutes and light so I felt pretty good about the OZ. Well I reveged it for 30 days exactly and I've taken almost 2 oz and still have probably a 1/4 to 1/2 oz on it from the looks of things. I am going to take everything of any real size this week and reevaluate. If the small stuff keeps getting bigger I'll let it go. If not I'll chop it back down and reveg again.

I'm now at 72 days of bloom and though I am using a pocket microscope the check the triclomes I still don't see any genuine amber. Either I got a super late stativa or I'm not looking at it right. In any event I've smoked plenty of what I've taken so far and it's pretty good.

If others are interested I'll keep the post going.


Well-Known Member
Honestly I believe there is a certain point to which it can be done. Say u were chopping nugs off once a week, lets also say it takes a week (give or take) to recover from the chopping, well, u get the idea, there's only so far u can take it that way. I do believe however, that by romoving those already ripened top nugs it does benifit those smaller ones down lower to a point as far as getting them ripe as well.

OP here. This plant is actually already a reveg, which by the way for anyone reading this I HIGHLY, HIGHLY, HIGHLY recommend. I started this plant on July 2nd. I harvested it the first time to the tune of about an OZ on Sept. 28th. It had suffered through a serious mite situation and lack of nutes and light so I felt pretty good about the OZ. Well I reveged it for 30 days exactly and I've taken almost 2 oz and still have probably a 1/4 to 1/2 oz on it from the looks of things. I am going to take everything of any real size this week and reevaluate. If the small stuff keeps getting bigger I'll let it go. If not I'll chop it back down and reveg again.

I'm now at 72 days of bloom and though I am using a pocket microscope the check the triclomes I still don't see any genuine amber. Either I got a super late stativa or I'm not looking at it right. In any event I've smoked plenty of what I've taken so far and it's pretty good.

If others are interested I'll keep the post going.
If u don't mind my asking, how much was left of ur plant after the 'first' harvest? And how big did it reveg to?


Active Member
During the first growth the plant was basically one tall stalk with a few shoots growing up from the bottom. When I harvested it the first time I cut it down to about 10 inches. I grew back to about 20 inches before I sent it to bloom. It grew to about 36 inches. I's now back down to about 12 - 14 inches.

I'm think another week or so and I'll be back to the reveg stage.