Harvest time! Different levels of ripeness.

Swisher Sweet

Active Member
I am currently harvesting and have an Indica strain where the large top Kolas are 12-18 inches long. The lower smaller branches have some smaller buds that are not quite as ripe. I am taking the larger ripe Kolas and leaving the bottom buds to ripen for another week or so. Is there any potential problems with this?


Well-Known Member
nope, no problems. just make sure the rest of the plant still growing is as stress free as possible, chopping off the main stem + any other stress could result in "premi" seeds. that would be a shame so close to harvest...

nice avatar by the way ;] haha


Active Member
People do this type of harvesting all the time to fatten up the lower buds before complete harvest. I have been doing this for almost 40 years and have never had a plant reverse because of this harvesting practice. Removing the top of a plant does not stress it as much as people think. Removing the upper portion of the limbs cause the auxins needed for cell elongation and division to be relocated to the lower parts of the plant and cause the lower flowers to grow larger.

Jer La Mota

Well-Known Member
nothing wrong with a partial harvest, no point harvesting tiny buds if they can mature a little longer

though you could also harvest some with trichome cloudy for an uplifting high, or later with trich amber, for a more sedative buzz ..