harvest time ????? heeeeeeeeeeeeeelp :/


the first 7 is from the first plant which i think it has 4-5 days :/ and the second 9 is from the other plant which i think is time to be cuten .... what do u think ???? help me :D


The sim's Bob Newbie

Well-Known Member
Man that second plant looks better than the first...you flushed yet? If not do it now then cut in about a week, are the trichomes half milky/amber? If not then you've still got a bit longer coz they should be...


Well-Known Member
Looks like more wilted leaves than nugs. What the heck went wrong? They look like swamp grass..... ;) As for harvesting, how long have they been flowering for?


i flower them for 11 to 12 weeks i think it's time ... i used solid Fertilizer ... and because of this problem a friend suggest me to use humo .... should i cut the second or wait for a week ?