Harvest time/low yield worries


Hello All, My first plant is in its flowering stage. But I'm not sure when it is time to harvest? Crystals have started to form on the plants buds and orange stringing things are started to come out of the buds(sorry do not know name of these things). I was reading on weedsthatplease that when the orange things start to show its about time to harvest. But my plant has very little buds on it. A lot less that I expected. The place I bought it(ministry of cannabis) said a seed should yield about 100gs. Now I know that's not set in stone, but I doubt there is 10gs on my plant. This leads me to believe that its still growing flowers and is a little ways off from harvest. How can I tell? It hasn't been flowering but maybe a week and a half. Thanks any help/advice will be very helpful.


Well-Known Member
flowering takes a coupel months at least so if its only been going a week and a half you wont have much buds yet so dont panic.
some other info about your setup might be helpful such as how much light your using, how your growing, what nutes your using, how long you vegd for etc etc
ohh and the hairs are called pistils

technical dan

Active Member
check out the when to harvest section in the drying and curing subforum. Sounds like your first set of pistils is turning so yes it is still growing (prob at least a month more). And how much bud comes off depends on lighting, nutrients, other environmental factors, and then genetics. I'm not saying you wont get 100gs but there is no "minimum" amount of bud the plant is guaranteed to produce no matter what the breeder says.


Well-Known Member
how many plants? how much cfl lights? soil or hydro? dont expect a 100g off 1 autoflower seed, thats just unrealistic


I said I didn't expect a 100, thats just what the website said. What should I expect? 60? 50? 10? I honestly dnt know


Well-Known Member
well how much light do you have with cfl you need a lot I harvested 6 ozs from the plants in my avatar they were under a lil over 400 actuall watts


Well-Known Member
Not many autos are going to get you almost a QP. If you're using little lighting and little nutes don't be surprised with a little yield. 1 auto under CFLs and you might get a half zip(14g) so if you want more I would probably suggest more plants. Goodluck