harvesting 12" plants covered in dirt from rain

I cut 6 of my bubblegums that were planted at the end of july since they were done. they were all between 12" and 18" so they were COVERED in dirt from being so close to the ground and it rained every day for the past week besides yesterday. I cant ust dry and smoke these dirty buds so what should I do?

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
you could water cure...it will get all the dirt and contaminents out, but....your buds wont taste or smell like anything.


Just floating this, what about letting them dry and then brushing them with a paint brush. Your gonna brush a lot the chrystals off but is there some way of catching it and separating it from the dirt?? Or drying it with a hair dryer SLOWLY but you still loose some of the crystals. I know almost knothing about curing just trying to float an idea that might spark something else....
Just floating this, what about letting them dry and then brushing them with a paint brush. Your gonna brush a lot the chrystals off but is there some way of catching it and separating it from the dirt?? Or drying it with a hair dryer SLOWLY but you still loose some of the crystals. I know almost knothing about curing just trying to float an idea that might spark something else....
Wrap the base of the plant and cover the soil like you would if you were wrapping a Xmas tree for presents. then take a hose with a light spray nozzle and spray the plant. It's like it was raining and with the soil covered it wont get them dirty again.
Let it dry, cut and hang.


New Member
Dude are you serious, like any other dirty fruit or vegetable thats dirty wash that shit, crystals arent water soluable, they wont melt or wash off that easily, carefully dunk them into water till all the sand and dirt are gone and then leave them out for a few ours to dry off the excess water so that you dont have mold issues, then proceed to normal drying and curing methods.
Good luck!