harvesting for cerebral high


Well-Known Member
i am growing bagseed i think it is a sativa indica mix but the main cola is mostly milky colored pistils and the tops of the sideshoots pistils are about 50% red hairs. i thought the main cola matured faster but i do have 2 150 watt cfls 2 inches away from it. but i want a cerebral high and was wondering when i should harvest i am in the 7th week of flowering. also do you loose any yield when you harvest early for cerebral instead of narcotic high


Well-Known Member
Yield would not differ so much that it should be a factor. Get a scope and check the FAQ's for the trich chart.


don't go by the color of the hairs, cuz different strains mature and color differently...

go to radioshaq and buy a little pocket microscope for 10bucks and check the trichromes... that'll give you a true indication of how the buds are ripening...
30-50% amber more cerebral
75% amber more couchlock

trichs go from clear, to cloudy, to amber... btw


Well-Known Member
LJIan covered it. Using the scope takes some getting used to, though. Move the branch just a little and you're now looking at a completely different section of the bud and will have to re-zoom and re-focus (a pain, but one of those labors that make harvest time all-the-more rewarding). Some people like to cut portions of trich-bearing leaves off and check those.

Here is a link to the trich chart: Link